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    Fender fat strat deluxe american, Gibson es 135 si altele

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  1. Salut. Mai e valabil anuntul? Respect, John M
  2. Wave Entertainment , UK based talent agency is looking to hire a 4 piece band for 2013 summer season contract on board of a cruise ship starting in April 2013. The band will have to play for the production shows on board (2 shows approx 45 min) also some easy listening and dance music sets before and after the shows. The music for the shows must be learned before joining the ship, so the tracks will be sent beforehand to the band. It could be a total of 6 shows, but only 4 shows needed to be learned for the beginning. Transportation accommodation and meals are included. If interested or please email John Munteanu at: jm.waveentertainment@gmail.com Re: 4 piece showband We are also looking for a professional DJ with a a wide music collection, to work in a Hotel in Rhodes, "LOUIS COLOSSOS BEACH HOTEL".The hotel is very nice and the guests are English, Russian, German and a few mixed nationalities of French/Greek...so mixed music and especially RUSSIAN for the Colossos. DJ have to have EU passport and able to speak English and have a medium level of speaking/ understanding Russian. If interested or please email John Munteanu at: jm.waveentertainment@gmail.com Re: DJ- "LOUIS COLOSSOS BEACH HOTEL" If you have a friend might be interested in this jobs, please forward this addvertisment! Looking forward to hearing from you, John Munteanu
  3. Hello all, WAVEENTERTAINMENT ltd. UK based talent agency is looking for new talents and acts to work on luxury cruise liners around the world or land based international resorts. All positions have assured return flights, accommodation and meals provided, plus attractive salaries. Got talent? We are looking forward to hearing from you! We currently have openings for the following jobs: Duos - (male and female, at least one instrument) Trios, (pop, jazz, etc) 4 - 5 piece Cover Bands, Lead Vocalists Individual sight reading musicians to join production show bands: Drums, Keyboards, Guitar , Bass, Sax, Trombone, Trumpet Classical Piano and Piano bar players Singer/Guitarist, Singer/Keyboard - self contained musician Classical Trio or Quartets (Strings only or piano and strings or any combinations) Cafe Concert groups, Jugglers, Contortionists, Magicians , Ventriloquist, Acrobatic acts,( with or without own 45 min show) Close-up Magicians Production Show Dancers/Singers Professional Ballroom Dancers/Instructors Street Dancers-individual or groups Sound and Light Technicians, DJ, Cruise Staff Animators - Resort hotel based job, (Animators are required to lead/participate and organize day time activities, Meet and Greet with guests and socialize in all areas, etc, please ask for more details) Please contact John with the subject line Re: "I've got talent" at jm.waveentertainment@gmail.com Please include your CV , advertising material, photos, and video links etc. According to the position you apply for, we will send you more details. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
  4. Hello all, WAVEENTERTAINMENT ltd. UK based talent agency is looking for new talents and acts to work on luxury cruise liners around the world or land based international resorts. All positions have assured return flights, accommodation and meals provided, plus attractive salaries. Got talent? We are looking forward to hearing from you! We currently have openings for the following jobs: Duos - (male and female, at least one instrument) Trios, (pop, jazz, etc) 4 - 5 piece Cover Bands, Lead Vocalists Individual sight reading musicians to join production show bands: Drums, Keyboards, Guitar , Bass, Sax, Trombone, Trumpet Classical Piano and Piano bar players Singer/Guitarist, Singer/Keyboard - self contained musician Classical Trio or Quartets (Strings only or piano and strings or any combinations) Cafe Concert groups, Jugglers, Contortionists, Magicians , Ventriloquist, Acrobatic acts,( with or without own 45 min show) Close-up Magicians Production Show Dancers/Singers Professional Ballroom Dancers/Instructors Street Dancers-individual or groups Sound and Light Technicians, DJ, Cruise Staff Animators - Resort hotel based job, (Animators are required to lead/participate and organize day time activities, Meet and Greet with guests and socialize in all areas, etc, please ask for more details) Please contact John with the subject line Re: "I've got talent" at jm.waveentertainment@gmail.com Please include your CV , advertising material, photos, and video links etc. According to the position you apply for, we will send you more details. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
  5. WAVEENTERTAINMENT ltd. UK based talent agency is looking for new talents and acts to work on luxury cruise liners around the world or land based international resorts. All positions have assured return flights, accommodation and meals provided, plus attractive salaries. Got talent? We are looking forward to hearing from you! We currently have openings for the following jobs: Duos - (male and female, at least one instrument) Trios, (pop, jazz, etc) 4 - 5 piece Cover Bands, Lead Vocalists Individual sight reading musicians to join production show bands: Drums, Keyboards, Guitar , Bass, Sax, Trombone, Trumpet Classical Piano and Piano bar players Singer/Guitarist, Singer/Keyboard - self contained musician Classical Trio or Quartets (Strings only or piano and strings or any combinations) Cafe Concert groups, Jugglers, Contortionists, Magicians , Ventriloquist, Acrobatic acts,( with or without own 45 min show) Close-up Magicians Production Show Dancers/Singers Professional Ballroom Dancers/Instructors Street Dancers-individual or groups Sound and Light Technicians, DJ, Cruise Staff Animators - Resort hotel based job, (Animators are required to lead/participate and organise day time activities, Meet and Greet with guests and socialise in all areas, etc, please ask for more details) Please contact John with the subject line Re: "I've got talent" at jm.waveentertainment@gmail.com Please include your CV , advertising material, photos, and video links etc. According to the position you apply for, we will send you more details. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
  6. Hello all, WAVEENTERTAINMENT ltd. UK based talent agency is looking for new talents and acts to work on luxury cruise liners around the world or land based international resorts. All positions have assured return flights, accommodation and meals provided, plus attractive salaries. Got talent? We are looking forward to hearing from you! We currently have openings for the following jobs: Duos - (male and female, at least one instrument) Trios, (pop, jazz, etc) 4 - 5 piece Cover Bands, Lead Vocalists Individual sight reading musicians to join production show bands: Drums, Keyboards, Guitar , Bass, Sax, Trombone, Trumpet Classical Piano and Piano bar players Singer/Guitarist, Singer/Keyboard - self contained musician Classical Trio or Quartets (Strings only or piano and strings or any combinations) Cafe Concert groups, Jugglers, Contortionists, Magicians , Ventriloquist, Acrobatic acts,( with or without own 45 min show) Close-up Magicians Production Show Dancers/Singers Professional Ballroom Dancers/Instructors Street Dancers-individual or groups Sound and Light Technicians, DJ, Cruise Staff Animators - Resort hotel based job, (Animators are required to lead/participate and organize day time activities, Meet and Greet with guests and socialize in all areas, etc, please ask for more details) Please contact John with the subject line Re: "I've got talent" at jm.waveentertainment@gmail.com Please include your CV , advertising material, photos, and video links etc. According to the position you apply for, we will send you more details. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
  7. WAVEENTERTAINMENT ltd. UK based talent agency is looking for new talents and acts to work on luxury cruise liners around the world or land based international resorts. All positions have assured return flights, accommodation and meals provided, plus attractive salaries. Got talent? We are looking forward to hearing from you! We currently have openings for the following jobs: Duos - (male and female, at least one instrument) Trios, (pop, jazz, etc) 4 - 5 piece Cover Bands, Lead Vocalists Individual sight reading musicians to join production show bands: Drums, Keyboards, Guitar , Bass, Sax, Trombone, Trumpet Classical Piano and Piano bar players Singer/Guitarist, Singer/Keyboard - self contained musician Classical Trio or Quartets (Strings only or piano and strings or any combinations) Cafe Concert groups, Jugglers, Contortionists, Magicians , Ventriloquist, Acrobatic acts,( with or without own 45 min show) Close-up Magicians Production Show Dancers/Singers Professional Ballroom Dancers/Instructors Street Dancers-individual or groups Sound and Light Technicians, DJ, Cruise Staff Animators - Resort hotel based job, (Animators are required to lead/participate and organise day time activities, Meet and Greet with guests and socialise in all areas, etc, please ask for more details) Please contact John with the subject line Re: "I've got talent" at jm.waveentertainment@gmail.com Please include your CV , advertising material, photos, and video links etc. According to the position you apply for, we will send you more details. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
  8. Mai cauti contract pe vas? Citeste anuntul meu, si daca esti interesat, da un semn. De unde esti?
  9. Cautam baterist/a versatil pt trupa de covere cu contract pe vapor de croaziera de lux. Conditii exceptionale! Ocazie unica de a vedea lumea si de a fi platit pentru asta! Contractul incepe pe data de 22 Mai, pana la mijlocul lui Septembrie.Intra pe www.waveentertainment.co.uk sa-ti faci o idee. Candidatul trebuie sa aiba expierenta de cantat live,sa arate entuziasm si sa aiba prezenta scenica si look de "rock star". Simtul umorului si Limba engleza - obligatorie. Team player! No divas, please!!! Ideal ar fi sa poti merge cu noi inca 2-3 contracte a cate 3-4 luni. Daca esti interesat, vrem sa auzim de tine urgent. trimite link-uri cu video, poze, CV, orice ne ajuta sa te cunoastem mai bine. Ah! Ai pasaport? Fa-ti unul oricum, mergem si in SUA! Stiu ca vrei mai multe detalii, salar, etc... dar mai intai vrem sa stim despre tine si ce ai tu de oferit! Chiar daca nu te intereseaza oferta...da sfoara in tara, poate faci bine unui prieten. contact: jm.waveentertainment@gmail.com
  10. Am si DS1 Si TS9. Pentru cei cu urechile sensibile la diverse "clippinguri", ar trebui deschis separat un topic de "specialitate" . Personal, am cantat la greu peste 20 de ani in diverse combinatii de chitari si amp-uri cu ambele pedale, si sincer iti spun , nu e nici-o diferenta intre ele. Nu vreau sa lezez pe nimeni si imi cer scuze dinainte...dar mereu se uita un lucru: in final, NU cantam pentru chitaristi si muzicanti, ci pentru omul de rand, dornic sa asculte ceva frumos. Succes la modificat cutiute, etc, dar as recomanda mai mult studiu si concentrare la tonul personal.....No offense! P.S.Inca o concluzie,ca fapt divers. De asemeni dupa teste grele...: TS9 si DS1 MIJapan comparativ cu cele Chinezesti......Nici o diferenta frate!...doar de clipping!
  11. Am si DS1 Si TS9. Pentru cei cu urechile sensibile la diverse "clippinguri", ar trebui deschis separat un topic de "specialitate" . Personal, am cantat la greu peste 20 de ani in diverse combinatii de chitari si amp-uri cu ambele pedale, si sincer iti spun , nu e nici-o diferenta intre ele. Nu vreau sa lezez pe nimeni si imi cer scuze dinainte...dar mereu se uita un lucru: in final, NU cantam pentru chitaristi si muzicanti, ci pentru omul de rand, dornic sa asculte ceva frumos. Succes la modificat cutiute, etc, dar as recomanda mai mult studiu si concentrare la tonul personal.....No offense! P.S.Inca o concluzie,ca fapt divers. De asemeni dupa teste grele...: TS9 si DS1 MIJapan comparativ cu cele Chinezesti......Nici o diferenta frate!...doar de clipping!
  12. Sfat: Doar daca nu te intereseaza TS9 ca si coectionar, Incearca Boss SD1 -acelasi circuit, acelasi sunet, pret mult mai mic cca 50 USD. Le am pe amandoua. Bafta!
  13. Cumpar Line6 DL4
  14. Cumpar EHX Micro Pog.
  15. Cumpar EHX Micro Pog.
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