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  1. Vand Line6 Helix LT Guitar Processor Pret: 4400 lei Estetic: 10/10 Functional: 10/10 Contact: 0740017439 Localitate: Brasov Pot trimite prin curier.
  2. UP. Schecter Hellraiser C7 + hardcase - 3500 lei.
  3. up. 1. TC Electronic Gmajor 2 - 900 lei 2. rack 3U - 400 lei 3. sertar rack 2U - 200 lei 4. priza/prelungitorul - 100 lei
  4. se pot da separat: 1. TC Electronic Gmajor 2 - 900 lei 2. rack 3U - 400 lei 3. sertar rack 2U - 200 lei 4. priza/prelungitorul - 100 lei
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