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  1. vand microfon Neumann TLM 49 , in stare perfecta de functionare .
  2. VAND Avid eleven rack in stare perfeca , tinut doar in casa in rack , ne scos la cantari , functioneaza excelent , are inclus si expantion pack
  3. Cat costa ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Pret: 2200 euro Localitate: bucuresti Contact: 0744348442 Link producator: http://www.wyrwas.de/specials/angebote/pa Stare: Nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi vand sistem activ Pa HK Audio ESYS EPX format din 4 x sub + 2 x top > Total output: 2400W > Beschallbare crowd: 500 people > Frequency response + / - 3 dB: 48 Hz - 19kHz > Independently adjustable inputs with connections for microphone, line and aux > subwoofer amplifier: 4 x 400 W > Amp Head: 2 x 400 W > Active protection circuits: DynaClip limiter, opto limiter > Bass speakers: 4 x 15 " > woofer / midrange speaker: 2 x 12 " > High frequency driver: 2 x 1 " > roles: subwoofer equipped with 100 mm Blue Wheels > Case: MDF > front grille : metal grille with acoustic foam > Surface: acrylic paint, Black > Weight: 184 KG
  5. Pret: 1300 euro Localitate: bucuresti Contact: 0744348442 Link producator: http://www.thomann.de/ro/dave_smith_instruments_tempest.htm Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi vand Drum machine ANALOG DSI TEMPEST , in stere perfecta . Tempest is a professional drum machine that generates its sounds using six powerful analog synthesis voices, and uses an innovative, performance-oriented operating system that permits an extraordinary level of control to create, edit, arrange, and manipulate beats in real time without ever stopping.
  6. 1500 ron = 327 eur ... ceea ce e prea putin . ti le dau cu 2500 ron ..
  7. Gretsch Catalina Club - Black Widow vand set format din : toba mare 20"x20" (virgina) , tom 10"x 9" , floor tom 14"x 12" , 13"x6" snare drum. lemn mahon , sunet excelent . 600eur. Gretsch Catalina Club - Black Widow
  8. in stare buna Boss DD 20 800ron Marshall JH1 150ron Marshall ED1 150ron
  9. Vand urmatoarele pedale DOAR LA PACHET , nu ma intereseaza schimburi , nu negociez . BOSS DD 20 GIGA DELAY MARSHALL ED 1 COMPRESSOR MARSHALL JH 1 JACKHAMMER / DISTORSION PRET PACHET 230 EURO efectele sunt in stare buna , functionale
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