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Everything posted by tatal

  1. Foarte putin folosit.
  2. tatal

    Chitara Bas Stagg

    400 lei
  3. tatal

    Chitara Bas Stagg

    500 lei !
  4. Vand chitara Bas Stagg in perfecta stare . Necesita corzi noi !
  5. Achizitii noi pentru sala !
  6. Se poate inchide, multumesc !
  7. Stare foarte buna UW Tech 275 rms.Doua Monitoare pasive PA.Schimb doar cu putere neumblata in ea...
  8. se poate inchide , multumesc !
  9. La ce bani il dai?
  10. Modelul este acesta ! http://www.dv247.com/studio-equipment/avalon-vt-737-sp-limited-edition-tube-voice-channel-in-black--57430
  11. Accept la schimb doar puteri, boxe pasive si diferenta de bani !
  12. Ce pot face eu???? e al meu... daca se arata bine voitori eu nu pot face nimic !
  13. Nu e problema mea... scula e a mea si se afla la mine in studio ' !
  14. Ca nou, Aniversar Edition. O singura voce trasa. Nu accept schimburi și nu negociez !
  15. Dual Engine Processor from TC.Excellent condition, some very minor rack rash.Cool unit, really nice reverbs and multieffects that you can run in stereo or parallel. Plenty of front panel knobs to dial something in.Unit is a ton of fun...does everything from huge expansive infinite soundscapes to super clean surf and country and everything in between.Unit is in 100% perfect functioning condition. Spent most of its life in smoke-free studio. I'm upgrading so its time for it to go.Multi effects include Delays (6 kinds), Phasers (2), Tremolos (2), Flangers (2), Chorus, Compressor, De-esser.Reverbs include Plates, Living Room, Concert Hall, Club, Spring, Lite, Ambience, Large Cathedral, Drum Room, Drum Box, Vocal Hall, Vocal Room, Vocal Studio, TC Classic Hall.
  16. Se poate inchide, mulumesc !
  17. A ramas doar interfata MOTU 896 MK3 - 2000 lei !
  18. 2000 placa azi !! 300 case-ul
  19. Exclus schimburi ! 2200 lei pentru MOTU! Si case-ul 300 lei !
  20. Revin la 2200 lei pentru MOTU! Si case-ul 300 lei !
  21. 2000 placa azi !! 300 case-ul Rack-ul s-a dat !
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