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Renan Santos

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Everything posted by Renan Santos

  1. Please delete, posted on the wrong forum
  2. looking for a PRS studio similar to the one on the picture below, hit me up! https://images.guitarguitar.co.uk/cdn/large/110/11102115365329b_10.jpg?h=500&maxwidth=770&scale=canvas&bg=ffffff&quality=70
  3. looking forward to your reporting when the did is done! It is gonna be awesome for sure!! rock on!
  4. I`d have to agree, 200eur difference, not there (diminishing returns is massive when talking pick ups) - I just dont remember having had that issue with massive price differences at the time. it has been a while and I got everything from used market, so the discount was there to reduce the impact.
  5. TV Jones - I tested them against the lollars and the gretsch one, at the time of construction. The TV ones won based on the balance between clarity and "chime" - gretsch was just less alive(?) than both lollar and TV - and the lollar were hard to pass but they had too much highs, comparatively - beautiful "chime" but a little too much for my taste.
  6. just wanted to paste it here for the similar taste/project - this is hand-built in my home country, Brazil, only with native woods is your project finished?
  7. this MIC condenser the traditional SM58 dynamic, the increased sensitivity of the mic is the payoff, which suits I would say, more 'intimate' vocal styles. It's also just a bit different as everyone has an SM58. barely used (used for maybe 10hours total) I just gave up on singing and I just wanna play guitar https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/vnwAAOSwnFNjF-fE/s-l1600.jpg
  8. is the pedal still available? multumesc!
  9. if you have one and are looking to part ways with it
  10. dupa toti acesti ani, inca sunt interesat de aceasta pedala. daca mai este valabil merci!
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