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Everything posted by tara

  1. Korg X5DR cu calculator P3 pentru aplicatia de editate tonuri - 250e , http://www.vintagesynth.com/korg/x5d.php EMU ESI2000 cu unitate disc externa, cateva discuri librarie, 64 Mb - 300e, http://www.vintagesynth.com/emu/esi2000.php Emu Emulator - software licenta, cateva discuri cu samplere - 700 ron Yamaha A4000 cu unitate disc externa, 64 Mb - 300e, http://www.synthmania.com/a4000.htm Roland V Synth vine cu redresor la 110 V 1600e, https://www.vintagesynth.com/roland/vsynth.php K2000R cu ZIP extern, Orchestral si Contemporary ROM, ceva dischete, manual original - 520e, http://www.synthmania.com/Contemporary%20ROM.htm, http://www.synthmania.com/Orchestral%20ROM.htm, http://www.synthmania.com/k2000_v3.htm Nu trimit. Doar predare personala.
  2. Korg X5DR cu calculator P3 pentru aplicatia de editate tonuri - 250e , http://www.vintagesynth.com/korg/x5d.php EMU ESI2000 cu unitate disc externa, cateva discuri librarie, 64 Mb - 250e, http://www.vintagesynth.com/emu/esi2000.php Emu Emulator - software licenta, cateva discuri cu samplere - 700 ron Yamaha A4000 cu unitate disc externa, 64 Mb - 300e, http://www.synthmania.com/a4000.htm Roland XP60, expandere Techno si FX - 400e, http://www.synthmania.com/sr-jv80-11.htm K2000R cu ZIP extern, Orchestral si Contemporary ROM, ceva dischete, manual original - 520e, http://www.synthmania.com/Contemporary%20ROM.htm, http://www.synthmania.com/Orchestral%20ROM.htm, http://www.synthmania.com/k2000_v3.htm Impachetez foarte bine. Trimit doar cu avans.
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