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Gautier Perez

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Everything posted by Gautier Perez

  1. UPDATE PRICES - JHS Angry Charlie V2 -- 500 lei -- with original box (https://www.thomann.de/ro/jhs_pedals_angry_charlie_v3.htm?ref=intl&shp=eyJjb3VudHJ5Ijoicm8iLCJjdXJyZW5jeSI6IjIiLCJsYW5ndWFnZSI6InJvIn0%3D) - Morley Little Aligator Volume Pedal -- 250 lei -- with original box (http://www.morleypedals.com/steve-vai-little-alligator-volume/) - Boss SYB-5 -- 400 lei https://www.thomann.de/ro/boss_syb5.htm?ref=intl&shp=eyJjb3VudHJ5Ijoicm8iLCJjdXJyZW5jeSI6IjIiLCJsYW5ndWFnZSI6InJvIn0%3D) - HRS pedalboard (Brazilian version of the Temple Boards ones, same materials and configuration), size is 50 * 33cm (https://www.hrspedalboards.com/pedalboards/hrs50softbag/) - comes with a high quality softbag (as seen on the official website), 2 patch modules integrated (one for input, one for output) and integrated power plug -- 550 lei
  2. UP everything negociable and urgent
  3. Also selling the Deluxe Memory Boy, 450 lei
  4. 600 lei for christmas, best beginner guitar!
  5. - 50 lei on every item for christmas!
  6. Electro Harmonix Pitch Fork Pitch Shifter & Electro Harmonix Switchblade - SOLD
  7. Hello, I'm willing to update my pedalboard and so I'm selling most of it. Everything is in good shape, working perfectly. If it comes with the original box, it's indicated in the list (detailed pictures will come later) Please contact by messages. I'm open to any trade, mostly compressors, reverbs and delays! - JHS Angry Charlie V2 -- 600 lei -- with original box (https://www.thomann.de/ro/jhs_pedals_angry_charlie_v3.htm?ref=intl&shp=eyJjb3VudHJ5Ijoicm8iLCJjdXJyZW5jeSI6IjIiLCJsYW5ndWFnZSI6InJvIn0%3D) - Morley Little Aligator Volume Pedal -- 300 lei -- with original box (http://www.morleypedals.com/steve-vai-little-alligator-volume/) - Ibanez TS7 -- 200 lei (https://reverb.com/item/15224413-ibanez-ts7-tubescreamer) - Electro Harmonix Pitch Fork Pitch Shifter -- 600 lei -- with original box (https://www.thomann.de/ro/electro_harmonix_pitch_fork_pitch_shifter.htm?ref=search_prv_9) - Electro Harmonix Switchblade -- 120 lei -- with original box (https://www.thomann.de/ro/electro_harmonix_nano_switchblade.htm?ref=search_prv_0) - Boss SYB-5 -- 500 lei https://www.thomann.de/ro/boss_syb5.htm?ref=intl&shp=eyJjb3VudHJ5Ijoicm8iLCJjdXJyZW5jeSI6IjIiLCJsYW5ndWFnZSI6InJvIn0%3D) - HRS pedalboard (Brazilian version of the Temple Boards ones, same materials and configuration), size is 50 * 33cm (https://www.hrspedalboards.com/pedalboards/hrs50softbag/) - comes with a high quality softbag (as seen on the official website), 2 patch modules integrated (one for input, one for output) and integrated power plug -- 700 lei If anybody wants to buy everything, or more than one item, please write to me for some negotiation Thank you
  8. Hello, Selling my electro acoustic guitar Washburn WD10SCEB. lin't use it much, it stayed in its husa most of the time since I bought an electric guitar just after buying this one. Fishman Preamp with integrated tuner, husa and strap sold with it. Don't hesitate if you have questions, Cheers! https://shop.absolute-guitars.co.uk/washburn-wd10sceb-electro-acoustic-guitar-black-2929-p.asp
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