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emil s

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Everything posted by emil s

  1. Bass player wanted for an electronic live band ( no cover music ) .We are looking for : reasonable playing skills , high level commitment , ability to communicate in English ,great social chemistry .There is no deadline as we'll connect permanently .
  2. Drummer wanted for a Nu Jazz band . We are looking for : reasonable playing skills , high level commitment , ability to communicate in English ,great social chemistry .There is no deadline as we'll connect permanently.
  3. Trumpeter wanted for a Nu Jazz band . We are looking for : reasonable playing skills , high level commitment , ability to communicate in English ,great social chemistry .There is no deadline as we'll connect permanently.
  4. Se vinde premplificator Behringer Mic200 cu tub Nos folosit foarte putin in casa ., stare excelenta . pret 190 lei
  5. Vand casti studio Superlux 662F , folosite pentru putin timp (exclusiv in casa ), circumauriale , in stare excelenta .
  6. Vand vesta Goth/ Rock , Black Pistol marime xl , material textil tehnic . pret 110 lei
  7. ESI e vanduta , a ramas EMU .
  8. scade pretul ESI U24XL 190 RON EMU 1212M 270 RON { exista adaptor pentru pci-e la 20 $ }
  9. Vand 2 placi de sunet in stare excelenta : emu 1212m pci , pret 330 ron esi u24xl usb , pret 230 ron .
  10. caut keyboard player pentru live band. gen electronic, timisoara
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