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Everything posted by DamianBatista666

  1. Tickets: http://www.iabilet.ro/bilete-akral-necrosis-lanseaza-albumul-underlight-26411/ Show: https://www.facebook.com/events/1594319027537387/
  2. Pret: 5500ron Localitate: Bucharest Contact: batistadamiandario@hotmail.com Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Construction: neck through Body wood: alder Top style: bevel top Tuners: Grover® Mini Rotomatics Fretboard: ebony Frets: 24 jumbo Scale: 24 5/8” Bridge: B.C. Rich Quad bridge Pickups: Dimarzio X2N Controls: 1 volume Color: onyx Accept: Other Bc Rich V, Jackson V, ESP, Gibson.
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  3. what kind of guitar you accept?
  4. I have a grossman custom shop. Specs : - scale 25.5 / neck through - neck - maple with walnut - body - mahogany - Floyd Rose Original tremolo - fretboard - rosewood / frets dunlop6100 - custom inlays / 24 frets - bridge - fixed bridge - tuners - Schaller / straplockings - Schaller - pickups - Dimarzio crunch lab/ Dimarzio liquidfire ( john petrucci Set ) - 3 way blade switch Interested ?
  5. Interested in a Grossman custom Shop? Specs : - scale 25.5 / neck through - neck - maple with walnut - body - mahogany - Floyd Rose Original tremolo - fretboard - rosewood / frets dunlop6100 - custom inlays / 24 frets - bridge - fixed bridge - tuners - Schaller / straplockings - Schaller - pickups - Dimarzio crunch lab/ Dimarzio liquidfire ( john petrucci Set ) - 3 way blade switch Its a 1300 euro guitar we can arrange
  6. Hi there, I sell this guitar or trade for BC Rich ( V, Best, Warlock Nj series ) MADE IN KOREA NO CHINA. Or Jackson Flying V. Specs: Specs : - scale 25.5 / neck through - neck - maple with walnut - body - mahogany - Floyd Rose Original tremolo - fretboard - rosewood / frets dunlop6100 - custom inlays / 24 frets - bridge - fixed bridge - tuners - Schaller / straplockings - Schaller - pickups - Dimarzio crunch lab/ Dimarzio liquidfire ( john petrucci Set ) - 3 way blade switch Regards,
  7. Pret: 2500 Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: batistadamiandario@hotmail.com Link producator: http://ibanez.wikia.com/wiki/APEX2 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Hi there, Im not Romanian I apologize for the English. All info about the guitar in the link above. Im interested in a Bc Rich Flying V guitar or Warlock. ( GOOD MODELS, LIKE NJ SERIES OR SOME SIGNATURE ) Also accept jackson flying V or ESP . My facebook https://www.facebook.com/damian.batista.90
  8. I know you said no SCHIMB. I offer you anyway a Ibanez apex 2 signature Korn model for it.
  9. Hi to all My name is Damian im Argentinian but im living in Bucharest now and im trying to find members for my proyect Funeral Baptism. Guitarists , drummer, and bass player. the page https://www.facebook...ptismBM?fref=ts My facebook: https://www.facebook...mian.batista.90 and a email : batistadamiandario@hotmail.com and one song : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjYoS7IkErs&feature=youtu.be
  10. Hello Im interested i play guitar for 10 years now, im 24 i have a ibanez rg8 with seymour duncan on it. I can record myself at home
  11. Is sad i just play guitar i have a ibanez rg8 with seymour duncan Nazgul on it .
  12. hi to all My name is Damian im Argentinian but im living in Bucharest now and im trying to find members for my proyect Funeral Baptism. Guitarists , drummer, and bass player. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjYoS7IkErs here a song of the band. the page https://www.facebook.com/FuneralBaptismBM?fref=ts My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/damian.batista.90 and a email : batistadamiandario@hotmail.com Cheers!
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