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Everything posted by Spidey

  1. 250 Euro! Se poate si testa. Impecabil/MINT!!
  2. Mersi, dar nu accept schimburi!
  3. Scad pretul la 250 Euro!!!
  4. Dupa cum am promis am atasat si poze. Dupa cum am spus a fost foarte bine intretinut si inca mai are protectia pe ecran. Bafta.
  5. Voi pune in decursul zilei de azi.
  6. KORG "ToneWorks" AX 1500 G Pret: 500 Ron Telefon: 0766331193 Procesorul este intr-o stare buna si inca are folia de protectie pe ecran. Momentan nu am poze de atasat, dar daca voi gasi timp am sa pun. ToneWorks AX1500G is packed with 56 different effects and gives you everything from ultra-realistic models of great stomp boxes, amps and speaker cabinets to essential effects like chorus, reverb, delay, pitch shift, and more. Features 48 preset and 48 user multi-effects programs, with up to 8 effects at once 2 selectable channels per program, just like a channel-switching amp Expression pedal for real-time effects control Super easy to use. Create the sounds you want by turning a few knobs Illuminated display for excellent visibility - even on stage Phrase Trainer makes it easy to learn riffs by ear Sample & Play function lets you record a phrase and loop or reverse it Road-rugged metal body and parts Korg auto-chromatic tuner and metronome built in Korg's proprietary REMS technology creates the most amazingly realistic digital models of popular effects, amps, and speaker cabinets Korg's REMS Technology Korg's REMS (Resonant structure and Electronic circuit Modeling System) technology enables the AX1500G to deliver truly great sounding effects - and a lot of them! The amp/distortion sounds go all the way from warm classic-tube overdrive to extreme high-gain metal. You get the sounds of a closet full of classic stomp boxes plus spring reverb, tape echo, and more. There's even an acoustic simulator that models an electric-acoustic sound. With vintage and modern, closed and open-back cabinet models that run the gamut from 4x12 stacks to 1x8 combos, the AX1500G is one incredibly versatile tone machine. Easy Editing With the new AX1500G, versatility doesn't come at the price of complexity. The ToneWorks' design team wanted to ensure that getting great sounds was quick and easy. That's why the user interface will be familiar to any guitarist whose ever used a stomp box: knobs and switches. Creating and editing programs with the AX1500G is very intuitive and the vintage-style "chicken head" knobs are cool, too! 96 Instantly Accessible Programs The AX1500G comes with 48 preset programs plus the ability to store 48 additional programs of your own creation. Up to 8 effects can be combined per program and you can turn individual effects on or off with the AX1500G's foot switches. One of the unique things about the AX1500G is that it gives the guitarist 2 selectable channels per program. Like a channel-switching amp, you can change channels instantly (without moving to a different program) and go from a rhythm to a solo sound instantly. Built-in Expression Pedal offers Real-Time Control The AX1500G's built-in Expression pedal provides real-time control of eleven effects like wah, volume, and pitch bend. The Expression pedal can also be used to control the AX1500G's Sample & Play function. Sample & Play makes it possible to record up to 8 seconds of your own playing, loop the recorded phrase and play along with it, play the phrase in reverse, and do other kinds of wild studio effects. Power-Paced Practice with the Phase Trainer The AX1500G also boasts a Phrase Trainer that makes learning riffs by ear really simple. Say you want to copy a guitar solo. The Phrase Trainer lets you record up to 16 seconds from a CD or cassette; slow down the playback speed to as little as 25% of the original without changing its pitch, and loop the playback to repeat the phrase over and over until you get it! There's even a Hold function that lets you extend a specific note. The AX1500G even includes an AUX IN feature so you can play along with an external audio source. Auto Chromatic Tuner Korg invented the first hand-held electronic tuner and continues to be the leader in the field. In fact, many of the world's "guitar heroes" rely on guitar techs that rely on Korg tuners to keep their guitars in perfect playing shape. The AX1500G features a built-in Korg auto-chromatic tuner that functions in Bypass and Mute modes. The Mute mode, which lets you tune silently, is ideal for tuning on stage. And there's even a built-in metronome! The AX1500G is one great sounding (and great looking) multi-effects processor that's packed with cool features. Try one. Whether you're recording or playing live, you'll appreciate the AX1500G's versatility and truckloads of tone.
  7. Placa de circuit Peterson inca este la vanzare, intacta. Pentru poze puteti vizualiza postul de la inceput. Pretul Final : 100 RON
  8. Imi cer scuze daca au mai fost doritori, dar nu am mai fost disponibil pentru o vreme buna, tind sa mentionez ca procesorul este inca la vanzare asa ca va rog sa ma contactati in caz de cumparare! 0766331193 Pretul Final : 450 RON
  9. Am marea onoare sa pun acest preamp la vanzare. Este un preamp pe lampi cu 3 canale separate si eq individual. In primul rand il vand deoarece nu mai cant asa des si nu doresc sa ramana nefolosit intr-un raft pe dulap. Preamp-ul a fost achizitionat la inceputul acestui an direct de la producator iar in afara de testului propriu-zis de la achizitionare si inca cateva alte mici teste, preamp-ul nu a mai fost folsit deloc pana in prezent! A fost pusa la loc in cutie exact asa cum a venit pentru a se pastra mai sigur. Din casa nu l-am scos niciodata, intrucat nu am avut nici cand. Este intr-o stare impecabila si arata ca nou nout. Legat de ton si calitate pot spune ca este exceptional si exista atatea posibilitati de tonuri diferite de la un OD subtil pana la un ton murdar si agresiv de metal. Este un preamp pe lampi intr-o mica pedala, cu diferite optiuni de conectare. Este ideal pentru un rig cat se poate de mobil. Features of SS-11 Design: - Fully tube-based 4 - stage overdrive channel with DUAL TUBE design (2x12AX7) with high-voltage anode voltage (+300 V). - Three separate channels: CLEAN / OVERDRIVE / LEAD - Individual gain sensitivity and output level controls for clean and crunch/lead channels. - TREBLE SHIFT toggle switch to enter bright mode for that added punch of high end. - FX LOOP for external effects. - OUTPUT jack for connecting to both specialized guitar amplifiers with a standard level of 0 dB (GUITAR AMP mode) and a CAB SIM MIXER out with a standard level of -10dB and a guitar cabinet simulation. - The preamp outputs are equipped with sophisticated solid-state buffers. - SS-11 incorporates new field-effect transistor-based guitar cabinet impulse response emulator prossessing. Improved naturalness of sound when connected to line input. - Special attention was paid to transistors anode power quality: preamp uses a specially designed high-voltage transformer minimizing the penetration of impulse noises into amplified signal. Pret: 260 Euro Contact: 0766331193
  10. Ambele bilete au fost vandute, multumesc!
  11. Dupa cum spune si titlul vand 2 bilete la concertul Linkin Park, 6 Iunie la Gazon A. Pretul este 300 RON amandoua, sau 150 RON biletul. Cine este interesat, rog sa ma sunati maine cat mai repede, pentru a stabili o intalnire. Multumesc! Contact: 0766331193(Marco)
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