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Everything posted by radu545

  1. Pret: 950 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0753153776 Stare: Nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Cumparat in iulie anul asta, stare foarte buna. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t34.0-12/10850610_706865972742276_710077818_n.jpg?oh=f2ade11770f5e74ceabb4074ea0bd991&oe=54911D26&__gda__=1418848825_3d15afe2d543d3904903eecf9aac6538 https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10867037_706865986075608_1640796033_n.jpg?oh=d98b464a2e3f25e21b2d3d916ba75676&oe=5491F4D5&__gda__=1418776773_b0a0cb9e525f2f3bf70675039c343e09
  2. te intereseaza http://forums.rgc.ro/topic/99300-vand-chitara-bass-jackson-david-ellefson-cb-x-bass/ plus diferenta de la mine?
  3. Pret: 1150 RON usor negociabil Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: radyhardy@gmail.com Link producator: http://jacksonguitars.com/en-RO/basses/concert-bass/models/david-ellefson-cb-x-rosewood-fingerboard-black/ Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Chitara bass Jackson David Ellefson CB-X, mici zgarieturi, vechi de vreo 2 ani. Asta e singura poza pe care am facut-o cu el, dar voi mai face la cerere. 1050
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