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Everything posted by Zachary Guitars
KZD you said: But I am starting to change my mind . What exactly makes your strings the best ever (as advertised)? I would like to see/hear some actual facts, pictures, materials used and an overall explanation of what is so special. Then you state: "I never said I didn't get what's there". You seem to contradicting yourself. You clearly do not understand ZOG. So I simply suggest that you read my webpage again but just ignore the word "idiot" because it seems to be distracting you and the store owners. By what you say, its clear that you are not understanding how ZOG is different from any other string set. I also suggest that you read the ZOG Testimonial page. Link found on top of the main ZOG page. No seeing, hearing, pictures, or materials matter. The facts are tension balance and correct set design concentrating on the tension of each string. Conventional string sets have NO design. There is no purpose for any of the string tensions in the set and they do not follow any systematic design. They all follow each other and have no idea why. You and guitar gods alike just buy them without thinking. Let me know if I misunderstood you.
ZKD, I really regret that you and your friends, they shop owners, were offended by my style. My website tends to be that way. Don't concentrate on my delivery style, just remember that you don't have to marry me. Half of the people love it and half hate it and are seriously offended. Its always puzzling to me why guitar players can be so sensitive and very hard to reach intellectually and creatively. You mentioned that you have read my entire website, including the ZOG page. So, I don't know how you would not understand the information about ZOG, or anything else I do for that matter. It may not be delivered in the usual way, but I never was ordinary. If I was, I would still be using conventional strings and would never have discovered the correct way to design string sets. I would suggest that you and the shop owners simply ignore the word "idiot" on my site and just focus on the information. It is explained to you in minute detail. I am very comprehensive. I am not looking for any reviews or validation of ZOG or for any of my innovations. I have been selling ZOG for 8 years and ship them all over the world every week. I ship once a week. I simply thought that it was unfortunate that players in Romania have not discovered the least expensive way to make their guitars player so much better and they have not discovered the big problem with conventional string sets. Especially Bass players are faced with a serious problem. 5 and 6 string basses are not even functional. 7 and 8 string guitars are not functional. Neither do guitars in alternative tunings. I told you that I am here to make friends and bring something to you, which you will really enjoy. It will not make me rich and its a lot of administration on my part to offer these strings. In fact, I don't do anything for the money. I do it for the passion and the pride in what I create. I decided at the start that I will not inflate the price of my strings and I will not mislead people by hyping something up to raise the price to boutique prices. That is BS. I will also not nice you to death. Not my style. ZOG is simply correct and its the only strings that should be in any shop. Its the only strings that anyone should use. Its all physics. Tension balance. If you don not have tension balance, you have NOTHING. Once you try them, there is no going back. Alex
Lefmir, Thanks for all the info. If I had it my way, I would bring a truckload of sets but I would need to know that they will sell. These are heavy to carry around, especially the bass sets. My original intention is not to sell through stores but to be in direct contact with the players. This is what I have been doing since the inception of ZOG some 8 years ago. I send a shitload to Australia and to other places also. Most of the customers are repeat for years. Direct sales is my wish but I also need to get the word out to the players. I was thinking that free clinics are a good way, where players congregate, shops. Selling through shops is difficult and to keep prices down. I would also need to stop selling direct, as not to compete with the shops. If I also keep selling direct, shops cannot raise prices because then players will just buy direct from me. Shots would get pissed. Not sure quite how to make it happen but I do want to get the info out there somehow. ZOG is a major improvement, especially for bass guitar. There is no going back. Its like putting air in your car tires, instead of driving with a flat. I plan to really chop my website down and remove most of the commentary. Its scaring and offending many I think. They lose the message from being offended by the style. For you I would recommend 9+, if you want to get the most country twang out of them. Or just go to 10 or 10+ even. Experiment. Get all these different sets and see what you like the feel of best in terms of overall tension. All the sets will be perfectly optimized but the overall tension will differ. I think your problem is with a poor tremolo bridge, not the strings. You may have to live with that problem or find a genius who can set it up the best for you. There are so many ways to setup a Strat trem. Its a balancing act with the springs and the trem angle. Also check out my new TONE LUBE pedal. Its something I cannot live without. All you need. Its a preamp to go with your guitar amp. Ask me any questions you like. Alex
Mojo Guy, Not sure what happened. I will send you another email today when I return from my bike ride. Let's see if you get it. Alex
I did read you email Mojo Guy and replied to it a few days alter. Check to see if you missed it or if it went into your Spam somehow. Let me know. Alex
Thanks for the replies guys. To get ZOG strings. All you do is email me and tell me your order. Look on the SETS AND DESCRIPTIONS page and pick the sets you need. For bass I need to know your scale length and make an model would help also. Some basses take longer strings than their scale indicateds, due to the type of bridge setup. There is no reason for you to make up your own sets from different sets. You are trying to optimize yourself because conventional set designs are so bad (they have NO design). I understand. However, I have already done that for you. Its not just the E string you need to be improved. All the strings need to be balanced to each other within the set. Get ZOG and you will have a perfect set for different applications or tunings also. A pint of beer sounds great. I am planning my trip now. Hopefully I will get to Romania this summer or fall. The big problem is finding affordable places to see in the different cities. I would like to travel around the country a bit and to see the the country, while I am there. The first time I went back to Romania since 1974 was in 2012 and I saw a great live band in Cluj. It was Mike Godoroja Blues Spirit. Do you know them? I talked to the bass player briefly after the show. Yes, I am the one who made guitars from Idea furniture and also cutting board. Also I was the one who made guitars bodies from knotty pine. I was criticised at that time, 15 years ago, but now they are all the rage. I get no credit. So the big problem is what cities are all the good guitar shops located in and where do I find affordable accommodations for the time I am in the city. Alex zacharymusic01@gmail.com
Hello everyone, I am looking to make friends here. My name is Alex and I am a custom guitar and bass builder, as well as the originator of Optimized string sets for guitar and bass. Zachary Optimum Gauges (ZOG) I encourage you to try a set and transform your bass into an instrument which works and sounds much better than before. My method of designing string sets is the only correct and physically proper way to do it. It will give you tension balance and eliminate under-tensioned strings, which are floppy, limp and do not give you good tone. 5 and 6 string basses are the most atrocious and you really need my sets. I ship all over the world. I was born in Romania and I plan to return this summer. I am excited about going back to my birth country. Any advice is appreciated as to how to spread the word about Zachary Optimum Gauges (ZOG). This is no money maker for me, but I do it out of pride and love. I am looking to do some clinics at any place where guitar and bass players congregate, such as good shops or clubs. If you could point out to me where these places are, I will try to include them into my schedule to visit. I am a foreigner in Romania now and do not know my way around or what is happening in terms of music and instruments. I do not speak Romanian at all, so please speak to me in English. I know Romania has a very high English ability. You can also write to me here: zacharymusic01@gmail.com Thanks, Alex