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Everything posted by mish12

  1. up, 400 ron
  2. nu vrea nimeni un controller midi ?
  3. Pret: 500 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0755753278 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Se prezinta intr-o stare excelenta, vine la cutie impreuna cu un cablu usb si ableton live 8 + licenta pt software ignite. sunt dispus la schimburi cu sistem audio sau biclcleta la care pot oferii si diferenta insa iau si alte oferte in considerare. Features 25 expressive synth-action keys with aftertouch 16 great-feeling trigger pads respond to pressure and velocity Roll button aids in creating realistic drum parts Assignable controls offer front-panel programming 8 rotary encoder knobs plus 1 long-throw 70mm fader 3 banks of pad and knob assignments with color-coded illumination HyperControl automatically maps controllers to popular software Drum Pad Learn feature and Identify button allow you to work quickly Dedicated transport and navigation buttons make recording easy Octave/Transpose buttons access the entire note range, in any key Assignable pitch bend and modulation performance wheels Selectable velocity curves to match your playing style 128 memory locations for saving your custom settings Functional design provides backlit LCD plus under-keyboard cable routing Class-compliant with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Mac OS X Power Jack for external power supply (9V DC, 500 mA, 2.5mm positive tip - not included) Includes Ignite by AIR and Ableton Live Lite 20.3" x 16.5" x 4" 514 mm x 419 mm x 102 mm 8.2 lbs. 3.7 kg
  4. doar azi pretul scade la 600ron, primul venit, primul servit
  5. Vand clapa Arturia 49 The laboratory in stare perfecta o ofer la cutie impreuna cu cardul de autorizare si bonus un stativ Pretul este fix. 850 RON, contact : PM, intru des.
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