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  1. 2 x SSL 611DYN E-Series Dynamics 500 Series Compressor With the E-Series Dynamics 500 Module SSL have packaged the legendary capabilities of one of the most famous consoles in popular music and brought it within reach of the project studio and serious audio enthusiast. Featuring both a compressor/limiter, as well as an expander/gate, the SSL 611DYN has remained faithful to its origins in styling and sound, keeping to the key components and circuits of the VCA section of the 4000 E - perfectly able to provide you with the punchy compression and powerful limiting that gave the company an unrivalled reputation when the E-Series console was first produced. The 611 DYN lets you switch your compression characteristics between over-easy and hard-knee to match the programme material and to choose linear or logarithmic release curves. The Expander/Gate lets you keep the signal source clean and free from unwanted noise intruding into your recording. Whether you need to tame unruly sounds, smooth the dynamics, add drive or just keep your sounds up at the front of your mix, the SSL 611DYN E-Series Dynamics 500 Module puts one of their most powerful tools into your 500 Series rack. Features Based on the classic SL 4000 E console dynamics section Switchable compression characteristics Class-A VCA gain stage True RMS convertor in the side-chain
  2. Pret: 0 RON Localitate: Roman/Bucuresti Contact: evantaiul@gmail.com Link producator: Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi SE VINDE Allen & Heath GSR24M http://www.allen-heath.com/ahproducts/gs-r24/ http://www.musicstore.de/en_EN/EUR/Allen-Heath-GS-R24M-Studio-Recording-Mixer-with-Motorfaders/art-REC0008264-000 Allen & Heath Power Supply RPS-15 http://www.musicstore.de/en_EN/EUR/Allen-Heath-RPS-15-Power-Supply-/art-REC0008353-000 Allen & Heath M-GSR24 Firewire Card http://www.allen-heath.com/ahproducts/firewire-interface/ http://www.musicstore.de/en_EN/EUR/Allen-Heath-M-GS-R24-Fire-A-Firewire-ADAT-I/O-Module/art-REC0008266-000 Catea functionalitati: Fadere motorizate. Functioneaza cu Pro Tools / Logic / Cubase / Sonar / Reaper. Prin placa FIREWIRE se pot inregistra 32 de canale simultan. Diferite tipuri de WORKFLOW. Mai multe tipuri de moduri SOLO (PFL, AFL + Solo in place) MIDI Control 5.1 surround monitoring Meterbridge integrat 2 canale pe lampi (VALVE Channels) 6 Aux-uri 4 Subgrupe Toate produsele au fost cumparate de pe www.musicstore.de in Mai 2013. Toate produsele sunt ca si noi. Au fost tinute in mediu fara fum de tigare. Estetic 9.9/10 Functionalitate 10/10 Motivul vanzari: trec la mixere de suma deoarece nu ma ajuta spatiul. Poze la cerere. Pret 6700 EURO. Negociabil. Sau accept oferte de schimb cu summing mixere (in stare NOU/CA NOU) + diferenta.
  3. + inca un HDD WDC 1TB + Apple Mouse
  4. Pret: 1850 EUR Localitate: Sibiu Contact: preset.presale@gmail.com Link producator: www.apple.com Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Mac Pro 2009 Processor 2 x 2.26 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon Memory 6 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 ECC Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 512 MB Software OS X 10.8.3 (12D78) Disc Burning HL-DT-ST DVD-RW GH41N HDD Samsung SSD 840 PRO Series 256 GB (500 MB read/write) WDC WD10EAVS-00D7B0 640 GB WDC WD5000AAKS-00YGA0 500 GB + Apple Numeric Keyboard Vine in cutia originala. Nu accept schimburi. Transportul este gratuit oriunde in tara. PRET: 1850 EUR up !
  5. Pret: 700 EURO Localitate: Sibiu Contact: preset.presale@gmail.com Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi DIGI 003 stare perfecta de functionare ! 700 EURO
  6. Pret: 2200 EUR Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: preset.presale Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi SSL XLogic Madi AX MadiXtreme 128 PCIe Card Cablu optic MADI (pentru conexiunea convertorului la calculator) 4x cabluri DB25-(8x)JACK Toata aparatura este in perfecta stare de functionare, a fost folosita f putin. Pret 2150 EURO. negociabil
  7. Vand Akai MPC5000 cu 192MB RAM instalat. In stare excelenta, folosit foarte putin. Accept schimburi cu synth-uri sau procesoare de sunet !
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