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Ursu StuWie Mihai

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Everything posted by Ursu StuWie Mihai

  1. http://www.thomann.d...dikonverter.htm ce un filmulet cu Lee Sklar in care prezinta ce poti face cu acest convertor. nou costa 99 de euro pe thomann, fara costurile de transport si cele aferente transferului de bani, iar eu vreau 300 de lei pe el. sunt interesat in principal de schimburi cu microfoane pentru captat toba mare sau cabinetele de chitara.
  2. Pret: 1200 RON Localitate: constanta Contact: 0721464655 Link producator: http://www.theduallist.com/dual.html Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Duallist D4 Dual Pedal “It’s the most innovative pedal I’ve ever played.” DENNY SEWELL (Paul McCartney, James Brown) "Play double bass drum rhythms AND controlled hi-hats" Using just one foot this pedal can be played as a single pedal and then at the kick of a switch bring in a second beater operated on the upstroke. The award-winning design has sold around the world. A highly practical single pedal with double-pedal performance, the Duallist frees up the drummer’s other foot for controlled hi-hats or percussion instruments. A fantastic innovative pedal that opens up new creative opportunities. Used by drummers around the world, the Duallist has a reputation as the creative drummer’s pedal. Fea dtures: -Tough DupontTM Zytel® engineering polymer -Optional drive chain, belts and cams -Sliding drum clamp for optimum drum distance -SpeedSwitch technology for single/double beater modes -Fully adjustable for power and feel -Easy beater height adjustment -Heavy duty adjustable carpet spikes -Lightweight materials and pedal design -Designed for the toughest performance -Low noise operation - ideal for recording -Upgradable to a D3 Triple
  3. Pret: 1400 ron Localitate: constanta Contact: 0721464655 Link producator: http://www.thomann.de/ro/duallist_d4_dual_pedal.htm Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi http://www.thomann.de/ro/duallist_d4_dual_pedal.htm vand o pedala Dualist foarte putin folosita.
  4. preturile nu sunt negociabile. m-ar interesa si schimburi cu echipamente de studio (un preamp de rack cu 2 canale pe lampa plus diferenta)
  5. m-am mai documentat un pic si nu e ceea ce imi trebuie. spor la vanzare.
  6. vand un China PAISTE de 18" PST5 si un brat cu clema TAMA la pretul de 400 lei. http://www.thomann.de/ro/paiste_pst5_18_china.htm 0721464655
  7. stativul pearl nu il mai am. am de dat un stativ cu brat gibraltar. vb cu raul.stefan ca vad ca el vrea china-ul si vedeti cum faceti sa va combinati sa le luati. intru f rar pe rgc. pt alte detalii 0721464655
  8. https://www.facebook...&type=1
  9. http://www.thomann.de/ro/meinl_c18ch.htm china meinl classics de 18 plus stativ cu brat pearl 600 roni . 0721464655
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