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Pret: 700 Localitate: Iasi Contact: 0720 546 305 Link producator: http://www.vintagesynth.com/korg/x5d.php Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Are instalat un sound set interesant apartinand unui anume JayB. (jaybmusic.net) Pics http://imgur.com/a/Cq5oA Descriere The X5D is an entry level keyboard from Korg. It basically offers Korg's acclaimed Ai2 sound engine (from the 01/w series) packed into a small, lightweight, affordable package! Being an entry-level keyboard, the usual luxuries such as aftertouch and an internal power supply have been omitted, and it lacks an arpeggiator or a sequencer, however it more than makes up for this in sound. In addition to its General MIDI sound set, the X5D comes loaded with two banks of preset sounds that can be loaded alternately, however you can overwrite the preset sounds and store up to one hundred program sounds and one hundred combination sounds of your own. The preset sounds vary widely, from complex pads and SFX sounds, to pianos, organs and orchestral instruments. Some of these sound dated in this day and age, the piano sound is a little on the thin side to say the least, but the string, pad and organ sounds can still hold their own against much newer keyboards! TL;DR: Out of the box are strings, pads, orgi si as spune si chitarele foarte faine. Cu un pic de lucru si celelalte tonuri pot suna ca lumea. Inclus in pachet: un convertor midi->usb numit maudio midispprt 1x1, doua cabluri midi si unul usb pentru conectare la PC. In pachet intra si un maudio midisport 1x1 (convertor midi-usb), 2 cabluri midi si unul usb. Acestea faciliteaza conectarea clapei la PC pentru editarea sau instalarea sunetelor.
Stare buna, are si cateva sunete in plus fata de factory version. POZE Negociabil, daca aveti cel mai mic interes va rog contactati
Pret: 120 RON Localitate: Iasi Contact: 0720546305 Link producator: http://maudio.com/products/en_us/MIDISPORT1x1.html Stare: Nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Acest convertor usb-midi este nefolosit si nou, dar dupa cum vedeti in fotografie, desigilat.
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zerohe replied to ambasador's topic in Echipamente IT și de studio
Schimb cu modul de sunet roland jv 1010 doriti? -
Am eu unul nefolosit nesigilat 30 de lei cu transport inclus. Ramburs prin posta romana. Pe alte siteuri e 35 plus 10 lei transport.
Cam cat ar primi o trupa care aduce 80-100 de oameni intr-un pub? Am vazut o trupa care la primele 2 concerte a facut asta si eram curios. Asta se intampla in Iasi.
Salutare. Chiar si acordata, atunci cand strumez E1 deschis vibreaza si E6 si A. De la ce sa fie, e o acustica Hora veche de 2 ani, la care abia am inceput sa cant de cateva zile?