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  • Band
    ex-Over Tension
  • Gear
    - Chitara acustica Orfeus (1971)
    - Chitara electroacustica Takamine EG320c
    - Chitara electrica Ibanez Grg 270B
    - Amplificator Marshall MG 50 DFX
    - Procesor Digitech RP 90
    - Procesor BOSS ME-25

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  1. S-a vândut, se poate închide. Mulțumesc RGC!
  2. Schimb pentru doză bridge Seymour Duncan
  3. Preț nou: 250 de lei. Mi-am cumpărat BOSS ME-25, nu mai sunt interesat de schimb.
  4. Preț nou: 275 de lei.
  5. Pret: 300 RON Localitate: Sebeș, Sibiu Contact: bogdy_grecu@yahoo.com Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Vând procesor Digitech RP90, sau schimb cu un Boss ME-25 (dau diferența, ~200-250 lei). Procesorul aratã bine, vedeți pozele, a avut o micã problemã pe care am rezolvat-o. Nu se apãsa bine pedala ce schimba efectul, a trebuit desfãcut și fixatã mai bine placa de bazã. Procesorul vine împeunã cu un transformator/alimentator și manual de instrucțiuni. Preț: 300 de lei. Descrierea de pe GuitarShop: Introducing the new RP90 from DigiTech! This guitar modeling processors is hot-rodded from the engine out. Powered by the new AudioDNA2™ processor, the RP90 features your favorite boutique models including wah, stompboxes, amplifiers, cabinets, modulation effects, delays, reverbs, and special effects like DigiTech’s Whammy™. Aside from an arsenal of models to choose from, the RP90 features tone and effect libraries allowing you to quickly program sounds with ease. Completing the RP90 are 100 aggressive sounding presets that appeal to today’s modern players. 20 Tone and Effects Libraries 100 presets (50 factory, 50 user) 12 amp / 8 cabinet models 32 effects models 5 seconds of delay time 40 High quality drum patterns Separate ¼" Left and Right Outputs Stereo 1/8" headphone output Built-in chromatic tuner Built-in expression pedal Power supply included
  6. Asta-i melodia, am nevoie de acorduri. Multumesc anticipat
  7. Mersi! Nu-i problema, ideea era sa pot canta mai comod la ea stand din picioare.
  8. Intr-adevara, aluneca in jos. Dar in timp e cant e mult mai bine decat inainte.
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