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  1. pai ar trebui sa stie si basistul, tobarul are alta treaba. Chitaristul neaparat!
  2. Sunt vocalist si caut oameni pentru a infiinta o trupa cover Bon Jovi in Cluj-Napoca. Am clapar, deci caut tobosar, chitarist si basist! Chitaristul trebuie sa stie sa faca backing neaparat! Pentru mai multe informatii lasati-mi PM.
  3. Ma nu so suparat, dar el ii acolo si noi suntem aici si ca sa facem ceva ar trebui sa fim toti in acelasi loc Am uitat sa precizez media de varsta:18-27 cam asa
  4. Suntem trupa Rattlejack si cautam un tobosar in Cluj-Napoca!!! Format in octombrie 2011, Rattlejack este o formatie influentata puternic de muzica anilor 80. (Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Whitesake,Guns and Roses...etc.). http://www.rattlejackofficial.com http://www.facebook.com/rattlejack http://youtube.com/rattlejackofficial Suntem in cautarea unui tobosar care are aceleasi influente ca si noi, are look-ul si atitudinea respectiva stilului de muzica, ambitie si determinare. Backing vocals is a big plus! Nu vrem un tobosar de speed metal sau mai stiu eu cu ce tehnici, ci vrem unu sa bata exact (prieten cu metronomu), fara prea multe complicatii si "cu coaie" (uitati-va la formatiile care le-am enumerat daca nu intelegeti ce vreau sa zic). determinare si ambitie = inseamna ca are timp de repetitii, de concerte si de studio si are aceleasi visuri ca si noi: sa ajunga cat mai departe cu muzica care o cantam. ENGLISH: Rattlejack is searching for a drummer in Cluj-Napoca!! Formed in October 2011, Rattlejack is a 80's influenced rock band.(Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Whitesnake, Guns and Roses...) Since October 2011, we had lots of shows, recieving massive support and positive vibes from the crowd. http://www.rattlejackofficial.com http://www.facebook.com/rattlejack http://youtube.com/rattlejackofficial We are looking for a drummer who has the same influences as us, has the look, attitude that suits this style, ambition and determination. Backing vocals is a big plus! We do not want a speed metal drummer with "Dream Theater skills", we want you to be precise (metronome), have the style of playing of the music that we play (if you do not know what i'm talking about check the bands i referred in the first paragraph!) determination and ambition = in our dictionary means to have time to rehearse, time for concerts and studio and to have the same dreams that us which is to get noticed and try to "make it" with the music that we play. Thanks for reading, let the PM's flow!!!
  5. DRoland


    Si restul pieselor de pe EP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPt_f3PTJPc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05lCSb7VJ1Y Free download la Ep: http://rattlejackofficial.com/shop
  6. DRoland


    Te asigur ca nu ii dezacordat nimica, sigur ti se pare.
  7. DRoland


    Salut, multumim pentru feedback. Chitara nu este dezacordata si nu sunt probleme cu tempo-ul deoarece totul a fost inregistrat cu metronomu, editat si mixat intr-un studio profesional.
  8. DRoland


    Prima piesa de pe EP. Vor urma inca 2 piese in curand! http://youtu.be/930ufIeESBE
  9. Stie cineva o firma sau persoana care face stative custom pentru microfoane, in Romania?
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