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Everything posted by discordless

  1. Pret: 550 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: mariuscostache148@yahoo.com / 0729 906 497 Link producator: http://www.thomann.de/ro/akg_d112_mikrofon.htm Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi de vanzare un microfon de toba mare / amp bass / floor toms AKG D112 folosit foarte putin
  2. Pret: 350 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: mariuscostache148@yahoo.com / 0729 906 497 Link producator: http://www.thomann.de/ro/behringer_ha4700_powerplay_proxl_kopfhoererverstaerker.htm Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi de vanzare un amplificator de casti Behringer cu 4 iesiri separate. folosit foarte putin, sta degeaba de ceva timp in rack.
  3. Pret: 350 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: mariuscostache148@yahoo.com / 0729 906 497 Link producator: http://www.thomann.de/ro/the_tbone_sc140.htm Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi de vanzare o pereche stereo de microfoane condenser cu diafragma mica T.Bone Sc 140. suna foarte bine mai ales pentru pretul asta. se pot auzi aici / cinei :
  4. Pret: 200 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: mariuscostache148@yahoo.com / 0729 906 497 Link producator: http://www.thomann.de/ro/drumdial_drum_tuner.htm Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi de vanzare un acordor tobe DrumDial. folosit dar functioneaza exact cum ar trebui. nu mai am nevoie de el, in general acordez tobele dupa ureche.
  5. Pret: 220 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: mariuscostache148@yahoo.com / 0729 906 497 Link producator: http://www.thomann.de/ro/thomann_rack_case_6u.htm Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi de vanzare un rack 6U din plastic, foarte usor. folosit foarte putin doar in studio, identic cu cel din poza de mai jos.
  6. Pret: 800 Eur Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: mariuscostache148@yahoo.com / 0729 906 497 Link producator: http://www.thomann.de/gb/rme_fireface_800.htm Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi De vanzare o placa de sunet RME Fireface 800. Foarte putin folosita, am un setup diferit si sta degeaba de ceva timp.
  7. FAUNLET "Fauna of the heart Flora from beyond" Recorded by Marius Costache at Next Dog Studio Mixed by Konrad Dycke Mastered by Cristian Varga http://faunlet.bandcamp.com/album/fauna-of-the-heart-flora-from-beyond
  8. Split Cap de Craniu / Breathelast partea Breathelast a fost inregistrata, mixata si masterizata la Next Dog Studio de Marius Costache https://splititout.bandcamp.com/
  9. Bloodway "The Skeleton Key" "Sunstone Voyager And The Clandestine Horizon" EP (I, Voidhanger Records - 2014) Bloodway: Costin Chioreanu, Mihai Andrei, Alex "Para" Ghita inregistrat, mixat si masterizat la Next Dog Studio de Marius Costache https://soundcloud.com/i-voidhanger-records/bloodway-the-skeleton-key
  10. intreg albumul Valerinne inregistrat live la Next Dog Studio : "So, this is it! Our second album, Arborescent, recorded live, mixed and mastered at Next Dog Studio by our friend Marius Costache, whom we want to thank again for making the album sound like this and for all his help along the way! Listen, download, buy, share, enjoy! " http://valerinne.bandcamp.com/album/arborescent
  11. Alexandru Das a realizat coperta: https://www.facebook.com/AlexandruDas
  12. Them Frequencies (Sofia / Bulgaria) "The Message of the Flower is the Flower" http://vimeo.com/81392954 rec,mix, master : Marius Costache @ Next Dog Studio
  13. o prima piesa de pe noul album VALERINNE, Arborescent : https://valerinne.bandcamp.com/track/golden-hour-blue-hour albumul a fost inregistrat live in cateva zile la Next Dog Studio si a fost mixat si masterizat de Marius Costache lansarea sambata, pe 14 decembrie in club Fabrica.
  14. BREATHELAST "Sinking Ships" teaser videoclip nou. productie audio asigurata de Marius Costache @ Next Dog Studio
  15. http://www.nuclearblast.de/en/products/tontraeger/dvd-bluray/dvd-cd/lake-of-tears-by-the-black-sea.html Lake of Tears (SWE) / By the black sea DVD + CD Audio 10.01.2014 inregistrat, mixat si masterizat de Marius Costache @ Next Dog Studio
  16. Inca ceva metalcore, Diamonds Are Forever din Cluj epul Momaentum care sta sa fie lansat a fost inregistrat in cluj si mixat si masterizat in Bucuresti la Next Dog Studio.
  17. Breathelast "Wolves"
  18. ceva fun, un take asupra unui sunet mai metallica cu Cristi Dumitrescu tobele inregistrate si mixate de mine
  19. http://music.whitewalls.ro/album/escape-artist intreg albumul White Walls la auditie
  20. Albumul Flesh Rodeo integral la ascultare pe bandcamp: http://fleshrodeo.bandcamp.com/ inregistrat, mixat si masterizat la Next Dog Studio de Marius Costache
  21. White Walls "The Masquerade" Recorded by Marius Costache (drums, guitar at Next Dog Studio, bass at NoCity Studio) and Oliver Vegh (vocals at Luna Recording Studio), mixed by Marius Costache and mastered by Alan Douches.
  22. tot proaspat iesit din cuptor: Rava (Iasi) - Victoria
  23. Crowd Control rec, mix, master Next Dog Studio
  24. FLESH RODEO "Blind Assassin" inregistrat, mixat si masterizat la Next Dog Studio de Marius Costache
  25. albumul de debut FLESH RODEO a fost inregistrat, mixat si masterizat la Next Dog Studio de Marius Costache o prima piesa de pe acest album se poate asculta mai jos:
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