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Everything posted by deyu_xpert

  1. LINE 6 HD 500 - NOU + garantie = 485 EURO!!! TEL 0745 082 331
  2. CUMPAR BOSS DD7 Astept oferte la 0746 536 227
  3. CUMPAR!!!! scuzele mele se poate inchide. am gresit cand am postat anuntul.
  4. DELAY boss DD7 tel 0746 536 227
  5. Procesor de chitara Line 6 HD 500!!! PRET 480 - EURO CEL MAI BUN PRET DIN EUROPA!!! VINE IN CUTIE ORIGINALA cu toate accesoriile! NU FACEM SCHIMBURI!!! SE TRIMITE IN 24 de ORE!!! TEL: 0746 - 536 - 227 Puteti citi despre el aici => http://forums.rgc.ro...ine6-pod-hd500/
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