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Everything posted by nothingman

  1. MAPEX M-Birch AquaMarine 22" x 18" bass drum with Remo Powerstroke 3 head 8" x 8" rack tom with Remo Pinstripe head 10" x 8" rack tom with Remo Pinstripe head 12" x 9" rack tom with Remo Pinstripe head 14" x 11" rack tom with Remo Pinstripe head 14" x 5-1/2" snare with Evans EC2 Coated head S550A snare stand H550A Hi-hat stand C550A cymbal stand B550A boom stand TH650 tom holder 2 x TH684 tom holder with AC901 multiclamp - Set cinele Sabian XS20 Performance Plus Cymbal Set - 20" medium ride, 16" medium thin crash, 14" medium Hi-Hat and 18" medium thin crash. - Pedala simpla Tama Iron Cobra - Cutii pentru toate shell-urile Nu vand nimic separat. Pret 1000 euro
  2. S-au vandut, multumesc, se poate inchide
  3. Salut, dau crash-ul doar cu hi-hat-ul, la 400 lei.
  4. Pret: 1300 Localitate: Cluj Napoca Contact: florindrasovean25@yahoo.com/0732680680 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi CB Drums+ Set Meinl HCS Snare Drum: 5-1/2"x14" 6-lug matching wood Tom Toms: 9"x12", 10"x13" Floor Tom: 16"x16" w/ legs Tom Arms & Mounts: 7/8 diameter Bass Drum: 15"x22" w/ mount, 8 lug Stands: 4000 Series double braced Bass Pedal: Double spring Bass Drum Hoops: Black Metal Spurs: Cast mount harden steel Shell: 9 Ply cross laminated Heads: Black front bass drum. Others clear Throne: Heavy duty padded throne + fete Remo Pinstripe pt toate elementele (fete de bataie) + set Meinl HCS (14'' hi-hat, 16'' crash) + putin folosite
  5. salut, mai este valabil anuntul?
  6. Salut, sunt un tobar din Cluj, experienta 2 ani, scule proprii si sala de repetitii (fara echipamente). Daca sunteti interesati de o colaborare, ma gasiti pe 0765252625. Trupele enumerate de voi sunt ok, sunt ceva mai aplecat catre sfera alternative.
  7. Salut Andrei, Sunt tobar, cant de aproape 2 ani, am scule proprii si sala de repetitii. Sunt in cautarea unor instrumentisti pentru repetitii dar nu vreau sa ma opresc aici "Sursele" tale de insipratie imi suna tare bine. Daca esti interesat de o colaborare, contacteaza-ma pe 0765252625 Multumesc.
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