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Everything posted by bandibalog

  1. Se retrage de la vanzare!
  2. 200 eur saptamana asta pentru DR-880!
  4. Pret nou: 300 euro, la Thomann costa acum 555 euro!
  5. Multumesc, se poate inchide!
  6. Multumesc, se poate inchide!
  7. Pret: 1100 eur Localitate: RO Contact: PM Link producator: http://intl.fender.com/en-RO/ Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand combo-ul meu Fender Custom Vibrolux Reverb (cu Fromel mod) care arata si fuctioneaza impecabil. Difuzoarele 2x10 Jensen au fost schimbate cu 2x10 Fender Oxford din 1966. Sunetul e superb! Prefer sa il dau personal. http://www.fromelelectronics.com/products/vblx-mods The Fender Vibrolux Reverb is one of Fender's most classic circuits, and the reissue is a mere shadow of the original...until you install a the Fromel Supreme kit! The mods change all of the crucial components in the signal path and restore the glory of the Vibrolux Reverb. The mods remove the buzz and hiss that these amps are notorious for, and also restores the shimmering clean headroom of the original design. The weak reverb is made fuller with longer decay and lush tone, while the tremolo gains a warm pulse with plenty of presence and no harshness. At high volumes, the tube saturation and bluesy distortion is unbelievably articulate and warm, while the club volume clean tones are dynamic and crisp. All of the caps are replaced with high quality audio grade caps that are specially chosen for great tone, reliability, and accurate fit in your Custom Vibrolux Reverb. Don't settle for a mediocre reissue when you can tap into vintage Fender mojo with a few Fromel mods!
  8. Se poate inchide, multumesc!
  9. Steve Lukather - Smile (Charlie Chaplin).mp3
  10. Multumesc, se poate inchide!
  11. Am un Carvin si nu am hardcase la el, poate m-ar interesa... Trimite te rog niste poze prin mesageria privata (PM). Multumesc!
  12. "Goo Gone Citrus Power Liquid Adhesive Remover" dar nu stiu daca gasesti in RO in schimb am auzit ca asta e la fel de bun si il gasesti aici: http://www.life-care.com/produs/Solutie-de-scos-pete-BioHAUS%C2%AE-925/K04Z/RO/?itemID=13166 "Solutia BIO de scos pete BioHAUS® degreseaza biologic, indeparteaza petele de pe imbracaminte, covoare, mobila tapitata, elimina mirosul, curata orice pata ”enervanta” din gospodarie. Guma de mestecat, cerneala, uleiul, lacul de unghii, pixul, lipiciul, urmele de cauciuc de pe podea, grasimea intarita, animala sau vegetala, toate pot fi indepartate."
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