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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/25 in all areas

  1. Vand Squier J.Mascis Jazzmaster, cu diverse mod-uri si upgrade-uri. Chitara a fost folosita live, in studio si acasa. Are urme de uzura, dar functioneaza absolut impecabil. Upgrades: Doze: Seymour Duncan Seymour Duncan SJM-2N BLK & Seymour Duncan SJM-2B BLK (Total 200 de euro) Bridge & Tailpiece: ABM Roller Bridge 2400n-RO N & Fender AM Vint. Tremolo Jaguar/Jazzm. (Total 200 de euro) Potentiometri: 2 x Seymour Duncan SDP-250 SD Potentiometer 250K (Total 200 de lei) Plek & Nut la thomann (Total 60 de euro) Chitara vine cu husa Gator (Total 700 de lei) Predare personala in Bucuresti.
    2 points
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