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  • Location
    London- UK

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  • Band
    Fearless Vampire Killers
  • Gear
    Ddrum dios custom drum kit, Yamaha stage custom drum kit
    Chester Elven proudly endorses Murat Diril cymbals.
    Hartke bass head with cabinet
    studio gear- korg, samson, vox, yamaha- etc.

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  1. Pret: 3500 Localitate: ploiesti Contact: 0732 836 454 Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand Mackie DL 1608+ ipad 3+ router. mixerul este nou, folosit de 2-3 ori in sala de repetitii. http://www.audiosys.ro/mixere-digitale/mackie/dl-1608/ pret 3500 ron. 0732 836 454
  2. au mai ramas: 3 stative yamaha/ pearl- 120 ron fiecare. toate stativele stative girafa solide (boom stands) - 350 toate 3.
  3. Au mai ramas: snare pork pie big black- 680 ron stativ Pearl B-1000 Uni-Lock Tilter Boom Cymbal Stand- 250 ron 3 stative yamaha/ pearl- 140 ron fiecare. toate stativele stative girafa solide (boom stands) - 400 toate 3. 2 cleme pentru atasat brate stative/tom 65 ron fiecare-100 ron impreuna.
  4. Au mai ramas: snare pork pie big black- 700 ron stativ Pearl B-1000 Uni-Lock Tilter Boom Cymbal Stand- 270 ron 3 stative yamaha/ pearl- 160 ron fiecare. toate stativele stative girafa solide (boom stands) - 450 toate 3. 2 cleme pentru atasat brate stative/tom 65 ron fiecare-100 ron impreuna.
  5. Pret: 10 RON Localitate: ploiesti Contact: 0727037978 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand urgent urmatoarele produse, trebuie sa "scap de ele" urgent. 720 80 250 450 100 snare pork pie big black- 720 huse: husa tom/ cazan/ snare 14"- 60 ron, husa 12" 50 ron husa - 100 impreuna. stativ snare yamaha-80 ron stativ Pearl B-1000 Uni-Lock Tilter Boom Cymbal Stand- 270 ron 3 stative yamaha/ pearl- 160 ron fiecare. toate stativele stative girafa solide (boom stands) - 450 toate 3. 2 cleme pentru atasat brate stative/tom 65 ron fiecare-100 ron impreuna. toate produsele 1500 RON 0727 037 978. Chester.
  6. s-a dat stativul de fus. snare pork pie big black- 850 ron- 900 ron cu husa. huse: husa tom/ cazan14"- 100 ron, husa 12" 60 ron husa snare 14"- 60 ron. impreuna 200 ron. stativ snare yamaha-120 ron 5 stative boom-1000 ron. toate stativele sunt boom si heavy duty. stativ tama road pro:300 ron stativ Pearl B-1000 Uni-Lock Tilter Boom Cymbal Stand- 300 ron 2 stative yamaha- 240 ron fiecare 1 stativ pearl- 240 ron scaun tobe- 150 ron 3 cleme pentru atasat brate stative/tom (pearl si tama) 80 ron fiecare- 200 ron impreuna. 0727 037 978. Chester. Pentru poze da-ti mesaj sau sunati.
  7. Shell set-ul s-a dat, au ramas urmatoarele produse: snare pork pie big black- 850 ron- 900 ron cu husa. huse: husa tom/ cazan14"- 100 ron, husa 12" 60 ron husa snare 14"- 60 ron. impreuna 200 ron. stativ fus- tamburo heavy duty. 250 ron stativ snare yamaha-120 ron 5 stative boom-1000 ron. toate stativele sunt boom si heavy duty. stativ tama road pro:300 ron stativ Pearl B-1000 Uni-Lock Tilter Boom Cymbal Stand- 300 ron 2 stative yamaha- 240 ron fiecare 1 stativ pearl- 240 ron scaun tobe- 150 ron 3 cleme pentru atasat brate stative/tom (pearl si tama) 80 ron fiecare- 200 ron impreuna. 0727 037 978. Chester.
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