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Mesa Boogie Tubes 6L6 Gc Str440 Yellow (4 Bucati)

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Pret: 350 RON

Localitate: Timisoara

Contact: 0753939014

Link producator: http://mesa.stores.yahoo.net/6l6str440.html

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Lampile au fost cumparate de la Thomann in Noiembrie 2012 odata cu amplificatorul Bugera 333XL Infinium care vine stock cu EL34.

Intre timp amplificatorul a fost vandut tot pe RGC (mai exact ieri) si am ramas cu 4 lampi Mesa de care nu mai am nevoie. (nu mai am amplificator, nu am la ce sa le folosesc). Nu mai am cutiile originale dar pot dovedi data cumpararii cu factura.

Au fost folosite foarte putin, in total circa 3 ore pentru o comparatie de sunet intre 6L6 si EL34 si pentru a testa circuitul Infinium de pe Bugera.

Diferentele sunt foarte putin perceptibile, dar am preferat sa folosesc EL34 in loc de 6L6 deoarece (pe Bugera 333XL cel putin) produceau un sunet mai comprimat, mai inchis la "culoare". Practic Intrau in overdrive o idee mai repede si aveau medii mai pronuntate . In schimb, 6L6 aveau ceva mai mult "head room", un overdrive californian (gen mesa, fender) cu mai putine medii iar "clean"-urile sunau mai cristalin prin 6L6.


Lampile sunt "matched" , Code: Yellow.


Descrierea de pe site-ul Mesa Boogie:

The MESA 6L6 STR-440 is our very best overall 6L6 - It is a premium grade, US equivalent and our tube of choice in the production of all new Mesa 6L6 powered models -

Remarkable bass definition, articulate mids and shimmering highs keep every note amazingly intelligible, with a smooth, creamy character - Premium structural quality

provides exceptional consistency and reliability - Rivals NOS (New Old Stock) durability and sonic character - Amazing for all styles of music.

Stock in: Express 5:50, Single Rectifier 50, Recto-Verb, Dual Rec, Triple Rec, Roadster, Road King, Mark IV, Lone Star, 2:50, 2:90, Recto 2:100 & Bass 400+.

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