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Preamp Amt Electronics - Ss11B

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Am marea onoare sa pun acest preamp la vanzare. Este un preamp pe lampi cu 3 canale separate si eq individual. In primul rand il vand deoarece nu mai cant asa des si nu doresc sa ramana nefolosit intr-un raft pe dulap. Preamp-ul a fost achizitionat la inceputul acestui an direct de la producator iar in afara de testului propriu-zis de la achizitionare si inca cateva alte mici teste, preamp-ul nu a mai fost folsit deloc pana in prezent! A fost pusa la loc in cutie exact asa cum a venit pentru a se pastra mai sigur. Din casa nu l-am scos niciodata, intrucat nu am avut nici cand. Este intr-o stare impecabila si arata ca nou nout.


Legat de ton si calitate pot spune ca este exceptional si exista atatea posibilitati de tonuri diferite de la un OD subtil pana la un ton murdar si agresiv de metal. Este un preamp pe lampi intr-o mica pedala, cu diferite optiuni de conectare. Este ideal pentru un rig cat se poate de mobil.


Features of SS-11 Design:


- Fully tube-based 4 - stage overdrive channel with DUAL TUBE design (2x12AX7) with high-voltage anode voltage (+300 V).

- Three separate channels: CLEAN / OVERDRIVE / LEAD

- Individual gain sensitivity and output level controls for clean and crunch/lead channels.

- TREBLE SHIFT toggle switch to enter bright mode for that added punch of high end.

- FX LOOP for external effects.

- OUTPUT jack for connecting to both specialized guitar amplifiers with a standard level of 0 dB (GUITAR AMP mode) and a CAB SIM MIXER out with a standard level of -10dB and a guitar cabinet simulation.

- The preamp outputs are equipped with sophisticated solid-state buffers.

- SS-11 incorporates new field-effect transistor-based guitar cabinet impulse response emulator prossessing. Improved naturalness of sound when connected to line input.

- Special attention was paid to transistors anode power quality: preamp uses a specially designed high-voltage transformer minimizing the penetration of impulse noises into amplified signal.


Pret: 260 Euro

Contact: 0766331193







Edited by Spidey
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