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Salut, sunt Chester, bat la tobe de aproape 10 ani, caut band de la pop/ punk/ alternative pana spre harcore- metalcore.

Nu sunt interesat de hard rock, heavy metal, blues, jazz, glam rock.


cover bands sunt ok.



- in linkul asta info despre mine: http://www.muratdiril.com/cymbals/cym-page.asp?wbs=artdetail&glnID=46



mail: chester_elven@yahoo.com


tel: 0727 037 978


Best, Chester.





Chester Elven proudly endorses Murat Diril Cymbals.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Vad ca esti localizat in Londra...Hai in Galati si facem treaba ;) Sau daca ai posibilitatea sa ajungi in week-end.

E un proiect pe care vreau sa il pun in aplicare. Deja exita voce(feminina, solista soprana de la teatrul muzical),chitara(eu...am ceva experientza),clape (conservatorul terminat la pian), ne mai trebuie tobe si bass.

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