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Cautam Tobar


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Cautam un tobar care:


sa bata bine (greoi si fortos)


sa aiba scule proprii - ar fi ideal


sa nu foloseasca pedala dubla


sa fie deschis la minte si la orizonturi


Acum urmeaza partea cea mai interesanta- genurile muzicale abordate - Funeral Doom / Post-Metal / Sludge / Post-Punk / Shoegaze / Dark Cabaret/ Alternativ


Cateva exemple de trupe indragite: -Funeral,St Vitus, Battle of mice, Made out of Babies, A Swarm of the Sun, Smashing Pumpkins, TigerLlillies, Bohren and der club of gore, Angelo Badalamenti, Sonic Youth, PJ Harvey, Scarling ,Queen Adreena, Placebo (old school), Joy Division, Tori Amos


O sa iasa ceva nemaiauzit.

Asteptam propuneri PM sau jildeore@yahoo.com

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Creepyoldguythatslalksyou

M-ar interesa pe mine biggrin.gif, dar am si cateva intebeari:

E ok daca am 15 ani?

E vreo problema daca nu am sculele mele?

Cate repetitii faceti pe saptamana?

Aveti unde sa faceti repetitiile?

Daca e ok dati un pm si ne auzim la un telrulez.gif

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