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Triaxis Mesa Boogie - 1700 Euro

Guest Perform

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Guest Perform

Vand Triaxis Mesa Boogie - 1700 Euro Fix ! Folosit foarte putin in studio .


Schimb doar cu placa de sunet RME Fireface800 + Diferenta !


Produsul se poate vedea in Bucuresti !

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Guest Perform

+ dbx 1 Project - Compressor Gate 266 ( Atentie NU 266 XL ).


+ Rocktron Intellifex - Triple Converter System 64x Oversampling sigma-delta a/d with digital HUSH.


Detalii Triaxis :

Preamplificator Chitara folosit de Depache Mode , Rolling Stone ... etc !





Detalii :


TRIAXIS™...Total access to the encyclopedia of TONE.


Digital disbelievers scoffed at the very idea of packing five 12AX7’s and 25 years of tube tone heritage into one rack space of pure magic...but there they are...five little tone bottles, glowing quietly-all too ready to rock the house.


Eight separate modes deliver the elusive creamy gain of the Mark I, the heralded focus of the Mark IIC+, the scooped Rhythm of the Mark IV™, and the heinous crunch of the Rectifier™. But these are just a few of the classic sounds at your fingertips.


Most programmable preamps start with a digital control circuit and then adapt the audio to fit the confines of the digital framework. We weren’t about to compromise the audio just to take the short cut. Instead, our three years of research produced a patented technology which preserves in every nuance and detail the exact audio elements which made these classic sounds in the first place. The digital circuitry was forced to serve—not dictate the tone.


Each control’s up and down keys work much like an old style knob...all parameters are displayed and active all the time. To you, that means no scrolling to find your Treble on the gig. You don’t have to wonder how your Bass and Mid are set, you can see them from across the stage.


You can store your favorite sounds into 90 user presets and these can be mapped to any of the 128 midi program locations. To get you started, we’ve included 20 defeatable / retrievable factory presets, 10 of which can demonstrate SmartPower™ voicing options where TriAxis controls our power amps, switching their capabilities to further enhance individual modes and sounds.


Make no mistakeTRIAXIS IS an arsenal of the most powerful guitar tones available in the world today...and that’s without using the Continuous Control function. But don’t believe us, just listen to the likes of John Petrucci, Rocky George, Reeves Gabrels, Adrian Belew, and James Hetfield.



Eight Preamp Modes

<b style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; font-size: 13px; ">Rhythm <br style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; font-size: 13px; ">Green</b>


Vintage Fat Rhythm (Mark I, Black-face)




Modern hyper-clean Rhythm (Mark IV)


Lead 1Green


Vintage Mark I Lead


Lead 1Yellow


Mark 1 Gain Boost


<b style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; font-size: 13px; ">Lead 1 <br style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; font-size: 13px; ">Red</b>


Classic Boogie Lead


Lead 2Green


Medium Gain Boogie Lead


Lead 2Yellow


Classic Boogie Lead (Mark IIC+/Mark IV)


<b style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; font-size: 13px; ">Lead 2<br style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; font-size: 13px; ">Red</b>


Searing Boogie Lead


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Guest Perform

dbx 266 Dual Compressor/Gate at a Glance:

  • Smooth and musical performance
  • AutoDynamic feature puts great sound within easy reach
  • Can operate in stereo or dual-mono modes

Smooth and musical performance

A problem with many compressors is that they sound anything but musical, with gating that can swallow transients or cut off decay and reverb trails. The dbx 266, instead, gives you smooth release characteristics, for a more natural sound. Couple that with its affordable price, and the dbx 226 is quite a steal for any studio or stage setup.


AutoDynamic feature puts great sound within easy reach

The dbx's AutoDynamic circuitry serves to continuously adjust the actual attack and release times so that they optimally match the program material. It's a goof-proof solutions for great compression — no matter the source.


Can operate in stereo or dual-mono modes

In the dbx 266's stereo couple mode, the controls on Channel 1 become Master controls, and Channel 2 follows along precisely, to give you a rock-solid stereo image — even when you're using lots of compression.


dbx 266XL Dual Compressor Gate Features:

  • Full-featured, high-performance dual compressor/gate that uses the dbx AutoDynamic Attack and Release circuitry to deliver true musical compression for a wide range of applications
  • Program-adaptive expander/gates overcome the functional limitations of traditional "utility" gates — all at a price suitable for almost every application
  • Separate precision LED displays for gain reduction, compression threshold, and gate threshold allow quick, accurate setup
    The dbx 266 dual compressor/gate is a no-fuss, great value!


Detalii compresor 266 dbx mai sus !

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Guest Perform

Rocktron Intellifex Triple Converter System 64x Oversampling sigma-delta A/D with digital HUSH - 1000 Euro Negociabil


Poze aici : http://www.macrofier..._104005429.html





P.S: Se poate vedea in Bucuresti .






Rack complet cu Triaxis Mesa Boogie ; dbx 1 Project - Compressor Gate 266 ; Rocktron Intellifex Triple Converter System 64x Oversampling sigma-delta A/D with digital HUSH - > 2500 Euro + dbx-ul cadou.




Edited by Perform
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Guest Perform

Rack complet cu Triaxis Mesa Boogie ; dbx 1 Project - Compressor Gate 266 ; Rocktron Intellifex Triple Converter System 64x Oversampling sigma-delta A/D with digital HUSH - > 2500 Euro + dbx-ul cadou.

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Guest Perform

Pretul la Triaxis Mesa Boogie pe thomann este de 2400 Euro. Pentru 2500 Euro se da intreg rack-ul !

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Guest Perform

DBX-ul s/a dat !

Au ramas :

Triaxis Mesa Boogie - 1700 Euro

Rocktron Intellifex Triple Converter System 64x Oversampling sigma-delta A/D with digital HUSH - 1000 Euro Negociabil

2 x Technics Quartz SL 1200 MK2 + Case-uri = 1350 Euro

Roland MC 909 - 650 Euro Negociabil

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Perform

Salut ,


La 110 . Se vinde tot rack-ul la 2500 Euro / Pe thomann pretul este de 2500 doar triaxisul. O zi buna



Se poate vedea in bucuresti.

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Salut ,


La 110 . Se vinde tot rack-ul la 2500 Euro / Pe thomann pretul este de 2500 doar triaxisul. O zi buna



Se poate vedea in bucuresti.

Se vede ca esti nou... Tu compari Triaxis la 110 cu Triaxis de pe Thomann? Ai impresia ca cei de pe acest forum sunt fraieri de-a dreptul? Vezi ca e pana intr-o mie USD unul la mana a doua pe ebay.

Scuze la moderatori, nu m-am putut abtine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Perform

Domnule Adrianni din fericire pentru mine detin 2 Triaxis Mesa Boogie unul achizitionat de pe Thomann cu 3 ani garantie si altul achizitionat din USA in urma cu 4 ani . Doresc sa va mentionez ca nu exista diferenta intre ele.


Daca sunteti pe langa subiect va rog sa va abtineti , in caz contrar iar veti fi nevoit sa va cereti scuze de la moderatori. O zi buna



P.S: Sunt curios daca ati pus mana pe asa ceva sau doar va dati cu presupusul.

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Guest Perform

Domnule Adrianni va astept sa va inscrieti la noua scoala care se va deschide in octombrie in Bucuresti. SAE Bucharest - www.bucharest.sae.edu / Probabil veti avea ceva de invatat , inainte sa va pronuntati.


P.S: Va astept la inscriere !

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