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De vanzare pedala din titlu.


Este in conditie impecabila, fara niciun defect sau zgarietura, 100% functionala, avand cutia originala si toata documentatia livrata odata cu pedala.


Pedala este grea, la propriu, si pare (pt ca nu am testat-o dand cu ea de pamant...hehehe) cel putin la fel de "tank-ista" ca pedalele boss. Corectiile de ton, separate pe joase si inalte, sunt foarte utile, iar mai interesant este ca are 2 iesiri: una pt amp si una pt miXer, este un cab emulation util.


Suna incredibil de bine pedala, si o incadrez in categoria din ce in ce mai nepopulata a pedalelor cu cel mai bun raport calitate/pret.


Pretul meu este 140 de lei, fata de 210 lei, cat este in magazin deci cu 1/3 mai putin.


Sunt din Bucuresti, dar ofer TRANSPORT, prin fan courier, INCLUS IN PRET, ca si avantaj net pentru cei din provincie. Nu o considerati discriminare fata de cei din Bucuresti, e doar alegerea mea; includ si baterie de 9V si 2 pene Jim Dunlop.


Contact pe PM, yahoo messenger sau 0771 260 466


Mai jos redau detaliile de pe pagina producatorului, precum si poze reale.





[/i]The Bad Monkey Tube Overdrive gives your amp a boost just when you need it. It has been compared to the TS-808 but with having the unique ability to smooth out the distortion by use of the low and high EQ controls. Most overdrive pedals give you one tone control knob thus limiting your tonal options. You asked for a pedal that will maintain your guitar’s distinct tone and DigiTech delivered! With its rugged design, separate mixer and amp outputs, and amazing tonal options, this pedal truly is a Bad Monkey. From Blues to Rock to everything in between, it will give you that amazing overdriven tube amp sound that will keep begging you to crank it up!




* Level boosts the output level of your guitar signal.

* Low adjusts boost and cut of bass frequencies.

* High adjusts boost and cut of upper harmonics.

* Gain provides smooth tube amp distortion to your sound.

* High adjusts boost and cut of high frequencies.

* Dual Outputs. The Amp output is for connecting directly to a guitar amplifier. The Mixer output features Cabinet Emulation circuitry for connecting directly to a mixing board or recording device.[/i]




Guest amosik939

Ti-am dat PM si add pe mess.Astept sa intri.

Guest amosik939

Pedala a ajuns azi la mine.Multumesc domnului Sorin pentru seriozitate si promptitudine.Arata chiar mai bine decat ma asteptam, like a brand new one out of the box.Bafta la restul produselor.


Pedala a ajuns azi la mine.Multumesc domnului Sorin pentru seriozitate si promptitudine.Arata chiar mai bine decat ma asteptam, like a brand new one out of the box.Bafta la restul produselor.



Multumesc @amosik939 si rgc.ro


totul e ok, deci se poate inchide

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