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initial am crezut ca este vorba despre faimoasa firma HOYER, dar cautand pe un alt forum :



" Re: half circle logo Hoyer


Postby hoyerfriend » Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:42 am



for example: there was another Hoyer - I think in Mannheim - Kurt Hoyer, building classical guitars.


Look at it the other way around: why assigning these to A. Hoyer? Just because of the name? They are not very similiar, beside the inside specs there are quite a number of details making them somehow different.

And think on the other hand of those dozen of instruments discussed in the forum which look indeed much more similiar and can not be assigned to a specific maker.


And I have the feeling there is a somehow wrong idea around when talking of "factories". Besides Framus, (and at a much smaller grade: Klira and Höfner) these makers were running medium to small sized workshops, more a manufactory than industry. I am pretty sure they did not open branches, second production sites and alike.

Just use google earth and have a look at the buildings in Bubenreuth and Tennenlohe.

Have a look at the residential area somewhat south of Bubenreuth. This is the “Geigerbauersiedlung” (violin makers housing area) where the instrument makers from Schönbach found a new home.

May be it is a good idea to make some pictures of the former production sites, to get a better idea where all this stuff came from. Does anybody have street addresses? "


oricum, chiar daca nu e un arnold hoyer ce ai tu acolo, este o chitara germana veche .

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cu actionul treaba e asa> are cam 5mm la fretul 12, ceea ce e mult.

problema este ca griful, desi nu e "tras", nu e dezlipit, adica e in pozitia originala cu un mic spatiu intre el si corp, nu este paralel cu corzile si nici cu corpul chitarii, in sensul ca are o panta descendenta catre soundhole si de aici actionul care se mareste catre fretul 19. acum, eu mai am o clasica, dar nu e uzuala, iar griful este pozitionat ca la orice chitara moderna si nu pot face o paralela intre cele doua.

oricum, actionul nu mai poate fi micsorat, bridge-ul are 1mm, mai jos de atat ar sta doar pe lemn.

de sunat, mie mi se pare ca suna bine, dar nu sunt in nici un caz un expert.

mai are niste crapaturi pe top pe care sper sa le rezolv.

voi mai pune niste poze detaliate despre ceea ce am scris


dicu> multumesc pentru informatii

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