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Guest Raul Gheba

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Guest Raul Gheba

Ska-ul e un fel de regae al albilor. E adesea asociat cu punkul. In Romania cele mai cunoscute trupe de ska/punk sunt emil si pistol cu capse. Stie cineva cam cum se canta skaul si ce fel de acorduri se folosesc. Daca vreti sa vedeti mai precis la ce ma refer ascultati " Un pas pana la nori " de la pistol cu capse

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cea mai specifica trasatura a ska-ului este intonarea acordurilor pe contratimp cu pana lovind de jos in sus.

Acordurile deseori folosite is minore si majore, cantate in rasturnari astfel incat sa apara arpegiul pe cele mai subtiri 3 corzi (sol si mi)

Cat despre un pas pana la nori, e dragutzica melodia, dar apar si elemente punk in ea, cum ar fi rifful de distorsie de pe refren. Daca vrei am si tab la ea pe aici pe undeva :)

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Guest Raul Gheba

cea mai specifica trasatura a ska-ului este intonarea acordurilor pe contratimp cu pana lovind de jos in sus.

Acordurile deseori folosite is minore si majore, cantate in rasturnari astfel incat sa apara arpegiul pe cele mai subtiri 3 corzi (sol si mi)

Cat despre un pas pana la nori, e dragutzica melodia, dar apar si elemente punk in ea, cum ar fi rifful de distorsie de pe refren. Daca vrei am si tab la ea pe aici pe undeva :)

daca vreau? :) TRIMITE-O pune-o fa ceva sa mi-o dai... chiar te rog.

Si poti sa explici putin mai pe romaneste ( asa ca pentru prosti ) ce ai zis pe aici... ca am priceput prea putine


Sa zicem ca la o citire mai profunda am priceput


da acordurile de genu asta intra la ska?





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heh, uite aici, tab scos de mine












Pe strofa merg aceleasi acorduri dar de data asta simplu, pe contratimp

Iar partea de distorsie suna asa (mai fac un pas si al 2-lea ma coboara printre nori...)






E|-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5---3------0---| etc..

Raul, da, genul ala de acorduri... practic is luate din barreuri doar notele de pe corzile subtiri, incearca piesa asta si o sa intelegi mai mult :)

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Raul Gheba

am studiat... m-am educat... si am reusit sa fac si eu o pesa ska/punk.. o sa pun doar tabul aici (apropo.. ultimul track sa il lasati la mute)


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Sper ca te ajuta asta....


Yes, this lesson probably would have been better suited sometime between 1997 and '99 when every kid in town was skankin' to the beat of the Supertones, Five Iron Frenzy or Buck. However, I thought I'd write it now because there's allot a guitarist can learn from ska rhythm. I would discourage you from reading this lesson and saying "hey! I could go start a ska band just like the Supertones!" because, frankly, before ska's downfall, everyone began to sound the same and I don't think that's a good pattern to start with any kind of music. My suggestion is to learn from music and musicians, not to imitate them... that's my spill.


Let's begin at the best place possible... the beginning! Ska began in Jamaica and the guitar is very influenced by reggae. What you need to learn first is how to play ska chords. They are the complete opposite of power chords, because instead of relying on the low notes, ska chords are based on the higher ones. Here are the basic chord shapes. Their all different variations of the A ska chord.







F-shape D-shape A-Shape Dm-shape


Memorize those shapes and apply them all over the fretboard.


Ska rhythm can be a little more complicated. One of the rythms' you'll hear the most is this. On the down-stroke, you mute it with your left hand and press down the notes on the up-stroke. You want an example? Try this as I described it. I'm sure you've been forced to listen to enough ska that you know how to did it... but do it slow at fist and build up your speed as you go.







Anyway, those 2 things are the basic back-bone of ska music. Don't wear it out. :0)


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