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Cort X6

Eugen D

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Cort X6 Electric Guitar in Black

Cort X6 Electric Guitar in Black.

Cort X6 Electric Guitar in Black. From 80's metal to new century hardcore, the X series is the perfect workhorse for all kinds of music that breaks new ground. The uniquely contoured body will earn your audience's attention and the envy of fellow players. The X6 features the world reknowned Floyd Rose Lic.SL tremolo.

<b>Specifications of the Cort X6 Electric Guitar in Black: </b>

Basswood body


Bolt on hard rock maple neck


Mightymite pickups


Floyd Rose Lic. SL tremolo



so ce parere aveti a meritat?


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pai depinde cat ai dat pe ea (chiar..e noua sau second?....sper sa nu fie o jignire asta cu "second" :) )....io am cantat p cateva corturi si se comporta in general f bine...singura lor problema ar fi de pret, avand in vedere ca este in continuare considerata marca "alternativa" pt chestii gen Ibanez s.a...preturile sunt extrem de apropiate de cele ale marcilor pe care le "copiaza"


anywayz...s-o stapanesti sanatos...(si s-o tii sanatoasa)

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