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Artensive 02 / 26-27 Mai / Constanta


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26/27 mai


Locatie: Constanta / Galeriile de Arta Mamaia (Teatrul de vara Mamaia)




Concurs si Festival International Multimedia


Facultatea de Arte a Universitatii “Ovidius” Constanta organizeaza anual Festivalul si Concursul International Multimedia ARTENSIVE.




Program 2007:



Program: Sambata, 26 mai


19:00 - 20:00 - Julian M(Constanta)

20:00 - 21:00 - Deschiderea expozitiei

21:00 - 22:00 - Ellien(Constanta)

- Y u f f a & H a r d c o r e (ALNstudio//Constanta) 4 Deck Show

- Narkoleptik(F I R rec//Constanta)

22:00 - 23:00 - Proiectii filme

23:00 - 00:00 - Audio/video performance by Radu Fulga & Koshimin

& Alectronic(Constanta)

00:00 -01:01 Sietch Tabr (Bistrita / label The Big Beautiful Nothing)

01:02 - Live Audio/video performance by DISCORDLESS - Bucuresti




Program: Duminica, 27 mai


20:00 - 21:00 - Alectronic(Constanta)

21:00 - 22:30 - Anuntarea castigatorilor

22:30 - 23:30 - Ellien (Constanta)

23:30 - 24:00 - Live performance by Danbasu( iasi/visuals) & Narkoleptik (FIR rec)(audio)

24 - 01 - live performance by Y u f f a & H a r d c o r e(ALNstudio//Constanta) Teer (iasi/visuals)

01:00 - Julian M



VJ ing :


Teer (iasi)

Radu Fulga & Koshimin (ct)



florina titz

laura iancu

Dan Basu

Catalin Guguianu (lista incompleta)



Bar on location!








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