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Deathe 4 Life @autograf Cj // 23 Apr

Guest arosulescu

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Guest arosulescu





==== S H A D O W S A I L ====


The story of Shadowsail begins on the rainy Monday morning of November 17 2003, in a basement, with the original line-up

formed by Daniel Szabo (vocals), Cristian Cristea (guitars), Valer Florian (bass), Lorand Csapo (keyboards) and Razvan Moca

(drums).In the same day the band performs at the "Autumnalia" Student Festival under the "lighter" name of "Sail", alongside with bands like Voices of Silence, Seven, Black Piano. Due to the envolvement of the members in other musical projects

(Guerrillas, Antidot, Siaj), the year 2004 brought up a single stage performance on March 11 as opening act for Hans Knall,

Seven and CASH. The following year (2005) meant for Shadowsail a new place for rehearsals, a number of concerts alongside with Negura Bunget, Voices Of Silence, Guerrillas, Seven, Hathor and many others, an attempt to make a video (postponed due to some quality issues of the recorded material) and a change in the line-up meaning the departure of the keyboards player, Lorand and the coming of Razvan Ovidiu Nistor.But it seems that the most proficient and resourceful period of time is the beginning of 2006, when Shadowsail sustained the opening acts for Legacy Of Hate (Austria) and Korozy (Bulgaria). They also started recordings for their first demo and caught the attention of a well-known romanian rock magazine, "Maximum Rock Magazin", for which they gave an interview and appeared with a song on the romanian underground compilation of the magazine named above.








==== L O U D R A G E ====


Loud - puternica,tare;

Rage - furie


Trupa infiintata in mai 2005 de Molester acesta punand bazele unui

proiect death/black metal melodic: Loudrage.


Molester - voce

Vomital Juanito - bas

Bestial Armando - chitara

Canibal Fuego - tobe


Dupa primele saptamani de repetitii apar primele piese

proprii urmate de primul concert in aer liber in orasul Ludus (Mures), pe

data de 29.07.2005 alaturi de trupele: Seven, Slang, Dispersia, Autograf,

Else, Intercity. Trupa este programata la incheierea serii, prestand in

fata a cateva zeci de spectatori, la ora 1 noaptea fiind opriti de

politie dupa numai 4 piese (datorita soundului agresiv si a brutalitatii

expuse pe scena).

A urmat o perioada de stagnare de cateva luni, revenind apoi

in forta in primavara lui 2006, renuntandu-se la vechile piese, in

schimb fiind pastrata brutalitatea scenica si soundul agresiv. De fapt acea

perioada a marcat noul start al trupei, un nou inceput.

In clipa de fata piesele compuse au un stil groovy death metal

cu influente hardcore si grind, versuri incisive si tonuri puternice de





26 Mai - Deva - cu Darken My Grief si Madblood

27 Mai - Petrosani - cu Darken My Grief si Madblood

12 August - Deva - cu Stone Fixion si Sanctuar

7 Septembrie - Bucuresti - cu Darken My Grief si Taine


- 26 octombrie - 1 noiembrie 2006 - miniturneu alaturi de

Rictus Grin (USA old school death metal):

26 - Bucuresti

27 - Petrosani

28 - Deva

29 - Timisoara

31 - Sibiu + Darken My Grief


9 Decembrie - Deva cu Avatar

21 Decembrie - Bistrita cu Crize

22 Decembrie - Sibiu cu Crize, Nerv si Drive Thru



20 Ianuarie - Rock Maraton Brasov cu, True Mind, Katharsis, Rising

Shadow si Seven

03 Februarie - Bitrita cu Avatar

10 Februarie - Cluj Napoca cu Guerrillas

17 Februarie - Tg Mures cu Guerrillas

20 Februarie - Iasi cu Innergrave, Cromleh si Argus Megere

31 Martie - Timisoara - cu RIP










==== K R E P U S K U L ====


Formatia a luat fiinta prin intermediul unui anunt in ziar. Dupa cateva cautari s au gasit membrii pentru a incepe

repetitiile.In decursul celor 2 ani cel mai greu a fost gasirea vocilor potrivite .Dupa colaborari nereusite cu 5 vocali, in

vara anului 2006 aceasta sarcina a fost preluta de basistul respectiv chiataristul trupei, initiativa deschizand un nou drum

in evolutia trupei. In primavara anului 2007 tobarul Radu Roman pleaca (din motive personale) dupa o colaborare foarte

reusita. La scurt timp locul sau este luat de Cristi Dolha, aceasta formula fiind si cea actuala.

Componenta actuala:

- Orsolya Gal - clape

- Cristi Dolha - tobe

- Alexandru Anches - bas/voce

- Alexandru Dorofte - chitara/voce

Stil abordat: Un metal experimental cu diverse influente (death, black, hardcore, gothic etc. )

Realizari: Demo ;Umbre de Vise





==== T R U D A ===



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