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Tinerele Sperante (de Aici Sau De Dincolo)


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M-am gandit sa postez aici linkuri catre diversi chitaristi, tinere sperante.


Incep cu Conrad Oberg.


Conrad Oberg was born three and a half months prematurely in the Summer of 1994. Weighing only one and a half pounds at birth, Conrad was left with no eyesight in his left eye and only 15% of the vision in his right. At age two, Conrad taught himself to play the piano, and again taught himself the guitar at age ten. Conrad has been performing solo live performances since he was four years-old, and has been fortunate enough to meet and/or perform with some of the greats of the entertainment industry. Conrad has been performing with his own band "The One Elevens" for the past two years, playing his own brand of blues,roots, and rock music.


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