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Blues,ragtime,jazz 100% Unplugged - Sambata 7 Februarie


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Primul concert 100% neamplificat al trupei Soul Serenade va avea loc sambata, 7 februarie, ora 20.00, la BEAT bar umanist.

Spatiul si decorul de la Beat Bar Umanist au fost o sursa inspiratie pentru trupa de a alege sa faca din acest concert o experienta cat mai apropiata de cum decurgeau cantarile de gen in anii 20-30.

Va asteptam cu drag! 

Rezervari: 0726.009.051 ; 0748 110 388

-Suport artisti: 25 Ron- :nopityA: 




Next Saturday, february the 7th, we've got something really special instore for all you raw roots music lovers out there!

Soul Serenade will be playing their first fully unplugged gig.
No cables, no mics, nothing but the sweet natural tone of every instrument they can handle! 

The cozy atmosphere inspired the three musicians to set aside all their sound equipment and have a concert just like back in the 1920' and 30'.

Come on down, it's going to be a great night! 

Bookings : 0726.009.051 ; 0748 110 388


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