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Cautam Chitarist Bucuresti


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Cautam un al doilea chitarist. Genurile de muzica pe care le abordam sunt: rock alternativ, hard rock cu influente blues. In prezent lucram la piese proprii dar facem si coveruri. Exclusiv Bucuresti.


Ce cautam la un chitarist:

-sa aiba varsta curprinsa intre 20 si 28 de ani;

-sa aiba propriile scule;


-dorinta de munca;

-vine cu idei proprii dar este si deschis la ideile celorlalti membrii din trupa;

-are timp sa repete de cel putin doua ori pe saptamana;

-este sociabil;

-stie sa munceasca dar sa se si distreze;


Daca te revezi prin calitatile de mai sus da-mi mesaj pe forum sau trimite-mi un PM.

Edited by Gxg_3co
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Buna, I'm Daniel and I'm 25 years old. I'm from Spain but actually I live in Bucharest, and I'll stay here for a long time: So I'm looking for a band that wants me to play with them. The style you play is one of the most i like so it would be a pleasure to play with a band like yours, including all proper pieces you got. Sharing my experience and and ideas is what i desire, so if you're still interested in a guitarrist please let me know. Sure, I'm a serious person who dedicates his own to the music professionaly.If you want to know more about me you can see my profile or contact me throw this same post or via email (amatbaro89@gmail.com). And i'd like to know more about you as well.

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