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  1. Pret: 100 euro Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0721229121 Link producator: http://www.centrance.com/products/mp/ Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand preamp/ADC USB 24bit/96Khz pt microfon cu phantom power si iesire de casti pentru monitorizare. Nu necesita driver, e plug and play (insa exista driver cu ASIO daca se doreste). E la cutie cu tot ce vine din fabrica. Descriere la producator: http://www.centrance.com/products/mp/ The CEntrance MicPort Pro is the easiest way to capture a professional-quality vocal take, communicate with clarity over Skype or record studio-grade instrument samples. Much more than a simple XLR to USB adapter, the MicPort Pro is the only portable mic preamp with a built-in, 24bit/96kHz, broadcast-quality A/D converter - a CEntrance exclusive. It captures the cleanest signal, making it an ideal choice for professional recordings. The built-in loud headphone amp and studio-grade knobs make it both useful and convenient on the road. MicPort Pro is used by the BBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, Harpo Studios, Warner Brothers, and professional musicians and voiceover artists worldwide. MicPort Pro is instantly compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7, Mac OS X 10.4 and above, and Linux. No batteries. No latency. No headaches. Just plug in and record.
  2. Dacport - interfațã audio portabila USB 24/96 cu ieșire pe cãști sau boxe, printre cele mai bune soluții portabile indiferent de preț. Potențiometrul are un mic fasait cand reglezi volumul - nu mereu dar trebuie menționat. Îl am de 2—3 ani. Micport - interfațã portabila USB 24/96 pt microfon, cu phantom power, cea mai buna soluție portabila microfon to USB. Il am de 1 an și ceva. Pret: 250 euro împreunã. Nu vând separat. 072 unu 229 unu 21 — contact Schimb doar cu ipad ultima generație, preferabil mini retina.
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