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Everything posted by Thundermaster

  1. Pret: 260 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0721555312 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Procesor multiefect KORG AX300G Lista de efecte : Compressor 3 band Equalizer (semi parametric- can adjust the centre frequency of the mid band). Wah (Auto or Pedal) Distortion 1 (4 types-Classic, Crush, Studio and Hash), with Gain, Level, and Treble controls. Distortion 2 (3 types- Vintage, Tube, and High Gain) with Gain, Level, a Pre-EQ, and Post-EQ…you can really sculpt the tone you want. Hyper Resonator: This is a combination of a harmonic driver and sweep resonator, providing a variety of sounds ranging from fuzz-type sounds to synth-type sounds. Amp simulator: 3 types- 6L6 (American), EL84 (British) and Solid State. Exciter Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Vibrato, Tremolo Ring Modulator Modulation Delay, Stereo Modulation Delay, Sweep Modulation Delay Stereo Phaser, Random Step Filter Pitch Shifter Bender: use the Pressure pedal or Expression pedal to change the pitch. Panner Stereo Delay (up to 500ms) Cross Delay (ping pong) (up to 500ms) Tap Tempo Delay (up to 1000ms) Hold Delay (up to 1000ms) Reverb (room, hall or plate) Each effect has all the usual essential and interesting adjustable parameters but here is a list of the parameters that can be controlled by the Expression pedal or Pressure pedal. Distortion 2: Gain Wah: Frequency (pedal wah) Hyper resonator: Harmonics/Depth/Resonance Chorus: Speed/Depth Flanger: Speed/Depth/Manual/Resonance Phaser: Speed/Depth/Manual/Resonance Vibrato: Speed Tremolo: Speed/Depth Ring Modulator: Frequency/Balance Modulation Delay: Speed/Depth/Feedback/High Damp Stereo Modulation Delay: Speed/Depth Sweep Modulation Delay: Depth/Feedback Random Step Filter: Speed/Depth/Manual/Balance Pitch Shifter: Pitch/Feedback Bender: Blend Stereo Phaser: Speed/Depth/Manual/Resonance Panner: Speed/Depth/Width Stereo Delay: High Damp Cross Delay: High Damp/Balance Tap Tempo Delay: Feedback/High Damp/Tempo Hold Delay: Feedback/High Damp/Hold Reverb: Balance Specificatii tehnice : 28 effect types 132 program memories (preset 100, user 32) Backup length of user program memory greater than 100 years. Auto chromatic Tuner LCD display:16 character x 2lines, backlit Power supply included Dimensions (W x H x D) 410x43x160 mm Weight 1.3 kg AD conversion Bitstream 18 bit DA conversion 4-times oversampling filter + noise shaper 18 bit Stereo output jacks Headphone jack Expression Pedal jack Volume pedal jack Aux in (connect an external source) Functioneaza perfect si nu a avut nici o problema .
  2. Pretul scade la numai 300 lei.
  3. Vand un procesor Korg AX300G , fara probleme , se poate proba . Pret 350 lei, tel. 0721555312.
  4. Schimburile nu se pun in discutie. Si chiar daca e la acelasi pret cu AX1500G care s-a vandut aici eu zic ca acesta e mult mai practic prin intermediul Jog-ului si al display-ului.
  5. E bun dar vreau sa imi fac un lant de pedale . Vreau sa trec pe ceva mai profi asta e motivul . E in stare foarte buna si se poate testa ce stie .
  6. Vand procesor de chitara KORG AX300G , folosit in casa , pretul e de 650 RON .
  7. Am gasit in colectia mea de metale cateva CD-uri noi cu hard, heavy , gothic care nu imi plac si le vand . Lista e urmatoarea : Circle of nero - Massive Obliss 150.000 Encryption - Perishing Black Light 150.000 No Fear - Our Saving 150.000 Sea Of Dreams - Land of Flames 150.000 Floodland - Ocean Of The Lost 150.000 Floodland - Decay 150.000 Sanctifica - Negative B 150.000 Noise Victim - Pretty Damaged ! 150.000 Deluge - Of Plague And Conquest 150.000 Si ca sa va faceti o idee am pus cate o melodie intr-un pachet aici http://www.sendmefile.com/00189444
  8. A fost folosit pentru amplificarea de sala cateva luni, adica nu s-a expectorat in el. Il poti vedea , testa , desface , orice .
  9. Update de pret 200 RON .
  10. Update de pret :250 RON .
  11. Vand microfon hypercardioid AKG D330BT cu stativ de masa , pentru voce , switch-uri pentru ton , filtru inalte/joase , metal argintiu . Pret 290 de lei .
  12. Am si eu 2 ciobituri pe spatele la chitara electrica si ma gandeam cum sa le repar . Solutia pe care am gasit-o ar fi un chit nitrocelulozic , dar dupa slefuire vopseaua ar trebui preparata cu lac ca sa aibe cat de cat un luciu si asta deja e complicat . Astept pareri .
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