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Everything posted by evlk4

  1. Pret: 900 Localitate: arad Contact: 0723198747 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Procesor voce TC Helicon VoiceLive Functioneaza perfect fara nici un fel de problema. Se poate testa oricand in Timisoara sau Arad, livrez oriunde in tara cu Fancurier. Detalii:Studio-quality mic preamp (Burr Brown INA163 based) with 48V phantom power VOSTM Limiter Vocal processing technology based on VoiceWorks 24-bit harmony processing HybridShift harmony generation Harmony features: FlexTime, Human-Modeled Vibrato, Inflection, Pitch randomization, Portamento, and gender 4 harmony control modes MIDI control Selectable Equal-tempered and Just tuning for harmonies HarmonyHold Automatic pitch correction Lead voice doubling TC Electronic 3-band EQ, low cut, and compressor/gate TC Electronic reverb and tap-tempo delay 8 footswitches 5 edit knobs Expression pedal input MIC pass thru AUX input to reverb/delay
  2. Pret: 2250 Localitate: ARAD Contact: 0723198747 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Dean Cadillac Select Korea fabricata in 2007 Chitara este in stare perfecta. A fost folosita doar in studio. Proprietarul initial a incercat sa stearga inscriptia de pe spatele grifului *Made in Korea* si sa o vanda ca si chiatara americana. Insa ca norocul nu a sters si serial numberul care incepe cu E adica made in Korea.Ii lipseste un capac de la un potentiometru cum se vede in poze. Se poate testa oricand in Timisoara. Se vinde cu caseul din imagine. Pret 500 euro, nu sunt interesat de schimburi. Detalii: Top MaterialFigured Maple Top ContourArched Top Body and Neck MaterialMahogany Scale Length24 1/4" (616mm) ConstructionSet Neck Neck ShapeC Fretboard MaterialRosewood InlaysPearl Block # of Frets22 Nut Width1 11/16" (43mm) TunersGrover KnobsSpeed Gold Hardware ColorGold BridgeTune-O-Matic Pickup (Neck)Dean zebra Pickup (Bridge)Dean zebra Binding7 Ply W/B/W/B/W/B/W Country of OriginSouth Korea Truss RodDual Action ControlsVol/Vol/Tone/Tpne/3-Way Toggle
  3. da asta e modelul
  4. Pret: 850 ron Localitate: ARAD Contact: 0723198747 Link producator: Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand pedalier midi Roland FC-300, pret 850 ron Stare perfecta estetica si de functionare la jumatae de pret de thomann. Nu sint interesat de schimburi de nici un fel, multumesc.
  5. Pret: 100 eu Localitate: ARAD Contact: 0723198747 Link producator: http://www.thomann.de/ro/sm_pro_audio_tc02.htm Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand preamp lampa 2 canale SM Pro Audio TC02 Stare impecabila(primul proprietar) 100 Eu
  6. Pret: 250 eu Localitate: ARAD Contact: 0723198747 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand monitoare studio Yamaha MSP 5 pret 250 Eu Primul proprietar, folosite doar in studio, stare perfecta la jumatate de pret de thomann... Nu sint interesat de schimburi de nici un fel, multumesc.
  7. Pret: 400 RON Localitate: ARAD Contact: 0723198747 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand pedala delay vintage Ibanez DPL10 (digital pan delay) la pretul de 400 Ron Pedala arata si functioneaza impecabil ca si nou, fabricat in Japonia anii 80 .Nu sunt interesat de schimburi de nici un fel.
  8. Pret: 200 RON Localitate: ARAD Contact: 0723198747 Link producator: http://www.thomann.de/gb/boss_cs3_compression_sustainer.htm Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand pedala compresie Boss CS-3, pret 200 Ron. Primul propreitar, folosit doar la studio, in cutia originala, stare perfecta estetica si de functionare. Nu sunt interesat de schimburi de nici un fel . 0723198747
  9. Pret: 300 Localitate: ARAD Contact: 0723198747 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand pedala distors Boss HM-2 (HEAVY METAL) 300 ron Primul propreitar, folosit doar la studio, in cutia originala, stare perfecta estetica si de functionare(nu are nici macar o zgirietura) Nu sunt interesat de schimburi de nici un fel . Pot trimite poze la cerere 0723198747
  10. Pret: 150 euro Localitate: arad-timisoara Contact: 0723198747 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand modul Roland JV 1010 este in stare estetica si de functionare perfecta. 150 eu 0723198747 The Roland JV-1010 Synth Module may look like a weakling, but it kicks sand in the face of a lot of synths twice its size! This half-rackspace killer has the full sound set of the professional JV-1080 and 2080modules (at slightly reduced quality). With 640 preset and 128 user patches, that's a lot of phat sounds in a skinny package. Plus, all 255 sounds from the Session wave expansion board are included. Pristine stereo grand pianos, acoustic guitars, Juno, Jupiter, TB-303, 18 rhythm sets and tons more - the kinds of sounds that inspire and do justice to your musical ideas, whether recorded or live on-stage. Specifications Polyphony - 64 Voices Oscillators - Digital, LAS, 8MB Samples, 255 sounds Effects - Eight Reverbs, One Chorus, 40 EFX Multi-Effects Memory - 895 preset, 128 user Patches, 32 performances, 18 rhythm kits Keyboard - None Control - MIDI IN/OUT/THRU (16-parts); Serial Computer Host port
  11. Pret: 300 euro Localitate: arad-timisoara Contact: 0723198747 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi vand head peavey 6505+ convertit din combo practic partea de head a fost scoasa din combo si sa construit o alta carcasa de head astfel avem un head de doar 14 kg(asta a fost motivul pt care il cumparasem) de 60 w care suna identic cu fratele cel mare 6505+ de 100 w, mult mai usurel si la unsfert de pret ) functioneaza perfect fara probleme, urla suficient de tare sa poti cinta cu el chiar si pe stadion am si footswitch la el desii ala l am cumparat separat 300 euro poze doar pe miercuri fiindca headul e la timisoara la sala de repetitii iar eu sint din arad Specificatii: - 60 watts (RMS) - Footswitchable lead/rhythm channel select - Effects loop - Separate 3-band EQ on each channel - Separate Resonance and Presence controls for each channel - Two 6L6GC power amp tubes - Lead channel: pre-/post-gain control - Top handle - Five 12AX7 preamp tubes - External speaker outputs - 16, 8, or 4 ohms (switchable) - Rhythm channel: pre-/post-gain, footswitchable Crunch boost - Integrated MSDI™ microphone-simulated XLR direct interface
  12. Pret: 300 euro Localitate: arad-timisoara Contact: 0723198747 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi VIND CABINET CHITARA FARFISA OR 100 4 DIFURI(ORIGINALE) DE 12 INCH A CITE 75 W PE 16 OHM BUCATA FABRICAT IN ITALIA ANII 70 FUNCTONEAZA PERFECT SOUND INCREDIBIL 300 EU The total power handling is around 300watts. The cabinet is built VERY solid: it weighs almost 90lbs, and has a unique center post between the four speakers which braces that rear of the cabinet, eliminating unwanted cabinet resonances. The cabinet is lined with fiberglass to cut down on boominess, muddiness and inner-cabinet echos. Metal striping on cabinet in excellent shape minor scratches, but there is no rust or oxydation present at all. Grill cloth is virtually perfect: no rips, streches, stains, etc. There is a minor fray spot near the bottom that I didn't even notice unless I was looking straight down at it from the top. It is otherwise completely unnoticeable. Comes with a sturdy 4-foot cable with 1/4" jack to convert from its 3-pin European connector. Dimensions: 31.75" tall, 29.5" wide, 15.2" deep.
  13. vandut. multumesc rgc
  14. Pret: 250 euro Localitate: arad-timisoara Contact: 0723198747 Link producator: http://celestion.com/product/15/g12t75/ Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi vand 4 difuri celestion G12 T75 made in england 16 ohm sint in stare perfecta nu au avut nici o problema .le folosesc de la sfirsitul aniilor 90 intr un cabinet 4x12
  15. Pret: 220 ron Localitate: arad-timisoara Contact: 0723198747 Link producator: http://www.bossarea.com/loadpage.asp?file=boxes/od2.xml Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi vand boss turbo overdrive od-2 fabricat in 1985, japan functioneaza perfect uzura normala pt o pedala de 30 de ani 220 ron OD-2 TURBO OverDrive The OD-2 was created as a replacement for the OD-1 in the mid 1980s. The OD-1 was already legendary so following up to it was in impossible task. The design goal was to create a pedal with two modes. In mode one its sound should be similar to the OD-1 but in the turbo mode it should have more distortion and more gain. A tone control is included to give the user better control over the sound. The OD-2 is built using only discrete components (no integrated circuits). The OD-2 production moved from Japan to Taiwan late 1988. After the production was discontinued, 1994, the pedal continued its life as the slightly modified OD-2R for another 4 years. Specifications Controls: Level, Tone, Drive, 2-way Mode switch Connectors: Input, Output, AC Adaptor Current Draw: 10 mA (DC 9V) Weight: 410g/14oz Input Impedance: 1Mohm Equivalent Input Noise: -118 dBm (IHF-A) Recommended Load Impedance: 10kOhm or greater Recommended AC Adaptor: ACA Series
  16. multumesc pt interventie. azi am ajuns la sala de repe .dimensiunile sint 760x470x280. husa o dau bonus la cabinet si nu o vind separat
  17. Pret: 250 euro Localitate: arad-timisoara Contact: 0723198747 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi vand cabinet framus 2x12 cu difuri celestion vintage 30 120 w -8 ohmi functioneaza perfect, sint primul proprietar are husa de protectie 250 euro
  18. evlk4

    Roland Juno D

    vandut multumesc rgc
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