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    ibanez gio grx70qa , ibanez v50njp, mooer hornet amp

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  1. Trupa din Bucuresti la casa de cultura a studentiilor, cautam tobosar in Bucuresti. Suntem doi oameni pana acum, chitarist si vocalist. Cantam Alternative rock, indie, original songs. 0771115728
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  5. Cautam bassist in bucuresti . Cantam rock metal . Suntem 2 chitaristi si un tobar.
  6. Houndonk


    Suntem din bucuresti si vrem sa dam o petrecere la sinaia/busteni dar vrem sa fim mai multi. Suntem 6 persoane pana acum. Suntem adolescenti 17 +
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  9. Chitarist 16 ani cant de 1 an la chitara. Influente metal rock industrial progressive indie grunge folk Caut flacai sau ,,flacaite'' sa cantam
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