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Everything posted by Stfrd

  1. Pret: 2100 RON Localitate: bucuresti Contact: 2100 Link producator: http://www.thomann.d...hannel_215620_0 Stare: Nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi ART Voice Channel Valve Channel Strip - class A valve preamp, compressor/expander/de-esser/gate, 4-band semi-parametric EQ with cut/boost (switchable thomann pre/post compressor) - stare foarte buna, nefolosit. http://www.thomann.d...hannel_215620_0 0732713348
  2. Pret: 2100 RON Localitate: bucuresti Contact: 0732713348 Link producator: http://www.thomann.de/ro/art_voice_channel.htm?ref=search_rslt_ART+Voice+Channel_215620_0 Stare: Nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi ART Voice Channel Valve Channel Strip - class A valve preamp, compressor/expander/de-esser/gate, 4-band semi-parametric EQ with cut/boost (switchable thomann pre/post compressor) - stare foarte buna, nefolosit. http://www.thomann.de/ro/art_voice_channel.htm?ref=search_rslt_ART+Voice+Channel_215620_0 0732713348
  3. Vand pedalier Line 6 FBV Short board plus Rockbag(husa speciala pentru el si pod xt) 200 lei. 0748341109
  4. Vand Line 6 DL4 floor-effects delay modeler - 15x effects (new and old), loop sampler, tap-tempo. (traf si pedala de expresie incluse) 800 lei 0748 341 109
  5. Vand Line 6 DL4 floor-effects delay modeler - 15x effects (new and old), loop sampler, tap-tempo. (traf si pedala de expresie incluse) 800 lei 0748 341 109
  6. ART Voice Channel Valve Channel Strip - class A valve preamp, compressor/expander/de-esser/gate, 4-band semi-parametric EQ with cut/boost (switchablepre/post compressor), 12Hz-100kHz analog, 44.1-192kHz sample. Digital connections: ADAT, optical/coaxial S/PDIF, AES/EBU and USB, Word Clock I/O. Analog connections: mic/line/instrument input (XLR/TRS combo), insert (1/4" balanced), balanced out (XLR & 1/4"), mic preamp out (1/4" balanced), VU display. Dimensions: 19"/2U. Weight: 4.8kg http://www.thomann.d...ice_channel.htm Pret 1800 Ron 0748 341 109
  7. se poate inchide, multumesc.
  8. 200lei!!!!!! up
  9. hai...up..up..up
  10. up up up inca este valabil!!!
  11. maine il pun si da, 2 mil trebuie sa mi dai:)
  12. e perfect
  13. scula ft buna, pret bun...up,up sunt din Bucuresti
  14. vandut, se poate inchide. multumesc ]
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