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Stefi Kajtar

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Everything posted by Stefi Kajtar

  1. Up ! 1300 cu strap si husa
  2. Se retrage de la vanzare . Multumesc !
  3. Up ! 1300 cu husa si curea Valabil pana in 5.10.2017 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Up ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Up ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. https://www.thomann.de/…/fender_sq_vintage_mod_jaguar_3tsb.… Un Link pentru descrierea chitarii in sine. O am de abia o luna(sau putin peste o luna).Cantata doar la cateva repetitii si cam atat .Efectiv este noua.
  7. Combo de chitara hibrid,echipat cu doua difuzoare de 12''/100w. Are 24 de modele de amplificator(Boutique CL, Deluxe Tweed, Super 4x10, AC15TB, AC30HH, Express Train, AC50CP2, UK 25TH, US '90s, UK Modern, Boutique Metal, Modded CL, Tweed 2x12, Tweed 4x10, AC15, AC30TB, Boutique OD, AC30BM, UK '80s, Cali Metal, UK '90s, Metal Bull), 12 efecte (Delay, Tape Echo, Chorus, Comp, Octave, Flanger, Phaser, Rotary, Tremolo, Pitch, Reverb, Noise Reduction) si 8 grupuri pentru preseturi care se pot controla prin Footswitch (VOX VFS5) care este inclus in pret. Mai multe poze trimit la cei interesati. Multumesc !
  8. Up ! 1200 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Up ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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