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  1. Igot

    Korg I30

  2. Pret: 350 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0721354366 Link producator: http://digitech.com/en/products/cr-7 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Salut. Il dau. Functioneaza perfect.
  3. Igot

    Korg I30

    Pret: 1200 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0721354366 Stare: Uzura avansata Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Salutati. Vand un Korg I30 cu un mic defect. Potentiometrul de volum haraie putin, dar functioneaza. In rest merge perfect. Pret negocialbil de 1200 Ron. Schimb cu o chirata bass cam in aceeasi bani. De preferabil o copie de Fender Pbass sau Jbass.
  4. Pret: 500 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0721.354.366 Link producator: http://www.jimdunlop.com/product/Pork-Loin Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Pedala este in stare perfecta de functionare. Se poate testa oriunde in Bucuresti.
  5. Pret: 150 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0721354366 Link producator: http://www.digitech.com/en-US/products/tone-driver Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi accept doar Preamp AMT SS-20 + diferenta
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