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    tobe, piano

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Meinl HCS 14” Hi-hat Meinl HCS 16” Crash Meinl HCS 20” Ride
  2. Buna ziua! Da,este includ cu toate piesele.
  3. 5x1418x208x109x1214x14China:Meinl HCS 18" Crash:Meinl HCS 16" Ride: Meinl HCS 20" Hihat: Meinl HCS 14"
  4. Thank's ! :))
  5. 5x1418x208x109x1214x14 China:Meinl HCS 18" Crash:Meinl HCS 16" Ride: Meinl HCS 20" Hihat: Meinl HCS 14"
  6. 5x14 18x20 8x10 9x12 14x14 China:Meinl HCS 18" Crash:Meinl HCS 16" Ride: Meinl HCS 20" Hihat: Meinl HCS 14" +REMO AMBASSADOR BASS 20"
  7. Pret: 1200 RON Localitate: Covasna Contact: roby_bajko_2000@yahoo.com Link producator: . Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi .
  8. Pret: 150 RON Localitate: Covasna Contact: roby_bajko_2000@yahoo.com Link producator: . Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi .
  9. Pret: 200 lej Localitate: Covasna Contact: roby_bajko_2000@yahoo.com Link producator: . Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi ..... up.
  10. eu am nevoie numai pentru stativele tom. putem sa rezolvam? si ce marime are? 19 sau 22.2 mm?
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