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Everything posted by denissolot

  1. Momentan sala nu mai este disponibila. Multumesc.
  2. Astept oferte pe privat, dispus la negocieri!
  3. e in stare perfecta, il gasesti pe net, sau in link-ul pus de mine. cine va dori sa il vada mai in detaliu, poate oricand. ps. e negociabil.
  4. Datorita cererilor se mai introduc 2 tarifuri: Studiu individual (cu sau fara profesor) -10lei/h Program de noapte(dupa ora 12.00): -25 lei/h sau -100 lei toata noaptea (12.00-5.00)
  5. Cat vrei pe cel drept de cinel?
  6. Sarbatori Fericite! De sarbatori deschis.
  7. Sunt interesat de schimburi cu alte amplificatoare, preferabil sa platesc eu diferenta pentru ceva mai scump si mai bun, sau ceva fara efecte si sa primesc diferenta.
  8. Pret: 1400 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: denissolot@yahoo.com Link producator: http://guitar-amps.findthebest.com/l/54/Marshall-MG102FX Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi In stare foarte buna, foarte putin utilizat, tel -o740415360 Details Report Edit POWER Output 100 WATTS CONNECTIVITY Inputs CD/MP3 Line In Foot Pedal In Number of 1/4" Inputs 2 Outputs Headphone Out Send/Return FX Loop FEATURES Features Built in Effects Foot Pedal Included Effects Chorus/Flanger Delay Phaser Reverb SPECIFICATIONS Speakers 2 x 12" Speaker Type Internal Speaker Channels 4 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Weight 49 lbs Dimensions 26.54x19.49x10.94 Description Report TECHNICAL REVIEW General The Marshall MG102FX is a Solid State guitar amp, and has an MSRP of $790, which is far more expensive than the average for all Solid State Guitar Amps. It is a(n) Combo Amp with an output of 100 Watts, which is the most of all Guitar Amps. The Marshall MG102FX has 2 x 12" Internal Speaker speakers. The amp comes with Built in Effects and Foot Pedal Included. Specifications The Marshall MG102FX has 2 x 12" Internal Speaker speakers.
  9. Este situata in Bd Carol I adresa exacta https://maps.google....ed=0CKkBEPwSMA4 Program repetitii 8-24 Tarif- 20lei/ora sambata/duminica 25lei/ora Echipamente: Bass- fender rumble 100w Chitara- Marshall MG102FX 100w Fender frontman 212R 100w Marshall Mg 15fx 15w Tobe Tama imperial star (fete remo, cinele/fuss Zildjian,) mixer microfon, boxe active 1200w, stative, cabluri etc... chitare electrice si bass care pot fi folosite. Compiuter internet+ placa sunet 10intrari, in viitorul apropiat posibilitate inregistrare. (sala este in dezvoltare anumite instrumente/ echipamente vor fi achizitionate in functie de cerinte) Pretul 20lei -poate fi negociat in cazul abonamentelor sau in cazul intervalelor 8-16 Sambata si duminica 25 lei/ora -poate fi negociat in cazul abonamentelor sau in cazul intervalelor 8-16 Contact: Denis 0740415360
  10. nu dai stativul dublu separat?
  11. nu mai este valabil anuntul...
  12. salut! mai este valabil?
  13. am un china de 18 http://www.thomann.de/ro/meinl_c18ch.htm cred ca are 1-2 ore de folosinta, in rest sta in husa lui de protectie!
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