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Everything posted by ebm

  1. Vand Native Instruments Maschine Studio White. Pret 2400 ron. Licenta soft se transfera in contul NI al cumparatorului. Vand Native Instruments Maschine Mikro MK2 Black, vine cu hardcase UDG Creator Maschine Mikro (https://www.udggear.com/udg-creator-ni-maschine-mikro-mk2-hardcase-black). La fel, softul se transfera in contul cumparatorului. Pret 1000 ron Ambele se afla in stare excelenta
  2. Nu mai este valabil
  3. 500€
  4. Pret: 650 EURO Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: emanuel.calin@gmail.com Link producator: http://www.thomann.de/ro/focusrite_isa_two.htm?ref=search_rslt_isatwo_280702_0 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand preamp Focusrite ISA Two, in stare foarte buna. L-am folosit doar in studio, nu i-am dat sa fumeze si sa bea. 2 canale, intrari de Mic, Line, Instrument, Send/Return pe fiecare canal (cu switch on/off), filter hi-pass variable (cu switch on/off); transformatoare Lundahl; pana la 80 dB de gain; Impedanta variabila (4 optiuni); https://global.focusrite.com/mic-pres/isa-two# Se poate testa in Bucuresti.
  5. S-a vandut, nu mai e valabil
  6. Salut, incerc sa reduc numarul de scule, deci as prefera sa il vand
  7. Pret: 1000 ron Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: emanuel.calin@gmail.com Link producator: http://www.native-instruments.com/en/maschine-groove-production/ Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand NI Maschine, prima generatie, cu software 1.8 si Maschine Stand. Softul este inregistrat in contul meu dar se poate transfera pe numele cumparatorului.
  8. Pret: 370 Euro Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: emanuel.calin@gmail.com Link producator: http://www.shure.co.uk/products/in_ear_monitoring/psm200 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand sistem monitorizare in-ear Shure PSM 200, wireless, fara casti. Pret 370 Euro
  9. nu mai e valabil, s-a dat
  10. ebm

    Korg Microkorg

    Clapa s-a dat, multumesc
  11. ebm

    Korg Microkorg

    va trebui sa caut factura sa vad exact. Parca 2007 sau 2008
  12. Pret: 1200 EURO Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: mihai_brasoveanu@yahoo.com Link producator: http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/may04/articles/korgtritonextreme.htm Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand Triton Extreme 88, stare foarte buna, folosita doar in studio. Vine cu husa si stativ Proel.
  13. ebm

    Korg Microkorg

    Salut, Darkstar este un synth interesant, dar nu mi-ar fi de folos
  14. Pret: 900 Ron Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: emanuel.calin@gmail.com Link producator: http://www.aphex.com/aphex-products/204-aural-exciter/ Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand Aphex 204 Aural Exciter and Optical Big Bottom, folosit foarte putin, in studio. http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/feb02/articles/aphexmodel.asp Pret 900 Ron
  15. Pret: 150 Euro Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: emanuel.calin@gmail.com Link producator: http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/apr05/articles/phonicoutboards.htm Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Phonic T8200, Tube Optimizer, Stereo Dual Band Compressor 2-channel tube compressor with 12AX7S valve preamp and potentiometer control. The Phonic T8200 Tube Optimizer, a next generation, two-channel professional audio compressor definitely takes your mix to the next level. The rackmount T8200 uses the professional 12AX7S valve preamplifier, which is well known for generating warm and highly enriched sounds. In addition, the Tube Optimizer draws on the benefit of a potentiometer control to fine tune the input difference between the tube and the conventional semiconductor preamplifier, giving the user greater control and flexibility. On top of these inner strengths, the Phonic T8200's appealing faceplate is adorned with eight precision vintage VU meters. This tube compressor not only sounds good—it looks good too. Features Variable tube effect for fine adjustment on sound quality or timbre Variable crossover for user-defined frequency bands Independent compression controls for low and high bands Automatic optimization of compression attack and release Relay controlled bypass Channel-link function Balanced XLR and 1/4" TRS inputs and outputs VU meters for input, output, and gain reduction Operating levels of +4 dBu and -10 dBV independently selectable for input and output Pret 150 Euro
  16. ebm

    Korg Microkorg

    Pret: 1000 ron Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: emanuel.calin@gmail.com Link producator: http://www.korg.com/microkorg Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Vand Korg MicroKORG, folosit in studio, stare foarte buna. Include alimentator Korg si microfon. Pret 1000 RON http://www.soundonso...s/microkorg.asp
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