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Everything posted by nicubarna

  1. Multumesc RGC, mixerul este vandut...se poate inchide!
  2. Salut mai ai mixerul?
  3. Spune-mi un ultim pret la pachet (sateliti+amp)...multam.
  4. Multumesc!
  5. 1400 euro negociabil sau schimb!
  6. Am cumparat crossover, multumesc RGC...se poate inchide!
  7. Up!!! negociabil
  8. Salut, ce schimburi te-ar interesa?
  9. oferte de pret sau schimb???
  10. nimeni nimic???
  11. up la toate!!!....negociabil
  12. Pret: 1500 euro Localitate: cluj-napoca Contact: nicolexpres@yahoo.com Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Vand un super mixer analog cu midi control (pt. cunoscatori) 1500 Euro negociabil, accept schimburi decente cu mixer analogic sau digital de dimensiuni mai mici 16-24 canale (din lipsa de spatiu) Sountracs Solo Logic MIDI Control/Mixing console 32x8 with 6 auxes, splittable 4-band EQ (2 sweepable), inline monitoring doubling the available channels for an amazing 80 inputs at mixdown. It has full b 34-channel meter bridge and - FULL VCA AUTOMATION built in. - 32 100mm faders, 80 mute buttons, and 80 solo buttons all double as MIDI controllers, so it's also a great control surface for DAWs, etc. Many more features. 48V Phantom power for condenser mics +60db padless discrete preamps Mic/line switch Auxes: 6 mono sends 8-Buss switches 100 MM fader/MIDI controller, pan, solo, on/off/mute, more. Each channel EQ has main EQ on/off button, plus 4 warm british equalizers: 12kHz, 80Hz, sweep 50Hz-1kHz, sweep 350Hz-8kHz. All EQs are +/- 15dB and splittable between input & monitor/tape return Other features include: 4 stereo returns (each with hi/low EQ, pan, AFL, bus assign, on/off, and solo) Midi muting/soloing of all channels (80 channels ready on mixdown) solo-in-place direct outs on all channels
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