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  1. Poate te razgandesti la un schimb? http://forums.rgc.ro/topic/96499-vand-placa-de-sunet-firewire-yamaha-i88x/page__p__854108#entry854108
  2. Poate te razgandesti la un schimb? http://forums.rgc.ro/topic/96499-vand-placa-de-sunet-firewire-yamaha-i88x/page__p__854108#entry854108
  3. Pret: 600 RON Localitate: Bistrita Contact: ovipeavey@yahoo.com Link producator: http://usa.yamaha.com/products/music-production/interfaces/i88x/?mode=model Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Vand placa de sunet firewire Yamaha i88x. Placa este made in Japan are alimentator si cd de instalare original. Functioneaza perfect testata pe laptop PC, Mac si calculator.
  4. Urgent il dau la 500 ron! E aproape gratis la banii astia.
  5. 600 lei daca e interesat cineva e inca de vanzare.
  6. Cobor pretul la 700 lei, unul nou e 1200 lei. Este foarte putin folosit si functioneaza perfect.
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